Clemson is...... watch how fast they play versus the Gophers and you really do wonder if the Gophers will ever compete at that level.

I actually think our defense could keep the game within 10-15 points if Mitch plays mistake free. It's not like they are markedly faster than OSU and TCU was last year.

They are pretty darn good, but in that second half they were a lot less impressive. Next week will tell us a lot about them and Louisville. Should be a fun game to watch.

Georgia Tech and the Paul Johnson veer option has led the nation in total rushing for the last several years. Clemson completely shut them down. Tech came in 3-0 and is not a bad team.
You can't teach quickness. That is what separates the top 10 teams versus the middle of the pack. If not for the dropped passes Clemson would have put up 40 points on Tech. I think they would roll over TCU and against the Buckeyes it would be a fun game. The Gophers would lose by 3 or 4 touchdown's to Clemson..

Mods, please move this to the "Week 4 other games thread".

Georgia Tech and the Paul Johnson veer option has led the nation in total rushing for the last several years. Clemson completely shut them down. Tech came in 3-0 and is not a bad team.
You can't teach quickness. That is what separates the top 10 teams versus the middle of the pack. If not for the dropped passes Clemson would have put up 40 points on Tech. I think they would roll over TCU and against the Buckeyes it would be a fun game. The Gophers would lose by 3 or 4 touchdown's to Clemson..

GT was 3-9 last year. They are a basic up-and down .500 team over the past five years, not much different than the Gophs.

GT was 3-9 last year. They are a basic up-and down .500 team over the past five years, not much different than the Gophs.

And they haven't led the nation in rushing since 2010, but lets not let facts get in the way just because Uncle Nutsy watched a football game last night, so now he's an expert on both teams.
Georgia Tech is behind the Gophers in rushing average and has 11 rushing TDs compared to the Gophers' 7. And GT has played two more games than the Gophers.

GT was 3-9 last year. They are a basic up-and down .500 team over the past five years, not much different than the Gophs.

Going 11-3 and winning the Orange Bowl two years ago is just a tad better than anything the Gophers have done recently.

Didn't look so hot against Troy. If not for a quick whistle they probably would have lost.

Going 11-3 and winning the Orange Bowl two years ago is just a tad better than anything the Gophers have done recently.

Preceded by two 7 win seasons and followed by a 3 win season. In 2012 it won its ACC division with 6 total wins. Up-and-down, basic .500 team. watch how fast they play versus the Gophers and you really do wonder if the Gophers will ever compete at that level.

Two years ago, the Gophers lost to the national champions by 7 points.

No, we are NOT at the level, but at some point, I think more people need to realize that the Gophers, in the words of the two construction workers in Major League, "These guys ain't too fu$k!ng bad!"

And they haven't led the nation in rushing since 2010, but lets not let facts get in the way just because Uncle Nutsy watched a football game last night, so now he's an expert on both teams.
Georgia Tech is behind the Gophers in rushing average and has 11 rushing TDs compared to the Gophers' 7. And GT has played two more games than the Gophers.

Look at the rushing average over the past several years and maybe you'll something from Uncle Nutsy Ask any football coach and they will tell you you can't teach quickness. It's basic football 101. You can get stronger and faster..... that's it.

Clemson certainly is a better team. Georgia Tech, love "Ramblin' Wreck from Georgia Tech", lost mainly because their QB couldn't throw. Their line couldn't pass block for them either. That's the problem for many strictly run teams. Once the defense overloads to stop them, unless their QB can run and throw, they'll lose more often than they run. Ah, make that win. :eek:

Works the same way with Pass Happy teams too. Though that seems to depend heavily on them being able to recruit players to make it work. See Leach at Texas Tech vs. Leach at Washington State. Or Brewster dumping his Offense midstream when he realized he wasn't going to be able to get the same type of recruits here that he got at UNC, let alone UT. His Assistants cut and ran then too.

What's odd is how there are so many Gopher fans out there who still seemingly care far more about running than winning.

Just give me "Wins" period. Don't care how they get them.

Look at the rushing average over the past several years and maybe you'll something from Uncle Nutsy Ask any football coach and they will tell you you can't teach quickness. It's basic football 101. You can get stronger and faster..... that's it.

He called you out on your comment that GT has led the nation in team rushing the last several years- which they haven't. They were 16th last year. Why not just admit you were exaggerating and restate their accomplishments instead of getting defensive.

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He called you out on your comment that GT has led the nation in team rushing the last several years- which they haven't. They were 16th last year. Why not just admit you were exaggerating and restate their accomplishments instead of getting defensive.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Well then take issue with ESPN . They posted it during the game.

OMG, do you even know how lame that sounds? You posted, not ESPN.

Don't shoot the messenger. Here's a thought. Watch the fu-king game. They posted Tech's rushing record over the past several years in the first half In total yards over that time period they led the nation

Don't shoot the messenger. Here's a thought. Watch the fu-king game. They posted Tech's rushing record over the past several years in the first half In total yards over that time period they led the nation

This is actually getting comical, and somewhat confusing. Which are you stating, rushing yards or total yards...there's a difference. Don't remember you referencing ESPN when you originally posted that comment. Guessing that if I did go back and watch, you got it lost in translation. Somebody will no doubt post the rebroadcast link...

This is actually getting comical, and somewhat confusing. Which are you stating, rushing yards or total yards...there's a difference. Don't remember you referencing ESPN when you originally posted that comment. Guessing that if I did go back and watch, you got it lost in translation. Somebody will no doubt post the rebroadcast link...

And they will prove me right.

This is actually getting comical, and somewhat confusing. Which are you stating, rushing yards or total yards...there's a difference. Don't remember you referencing ESPN when you originally posted that comment. Guessing that if I did go back and watch, you got it lost in translation. Somebody will no doubt post the rebroadcast link...

ESPN posted a stat that Georgia Tech has the most rushing yards in the NCAA since 2008 (presumably when Johnson got there). Interestingly, Oregon was #3 if I recall correctly.

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