Class rankings


Well-known member
Nov 23, 2008
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Doesn't rivals go back at some point and adjust the rankings to account for the kids that didn't end up qualifying?

Doesn't rivals go back at some point and adjust the rankings to account for the kids that didn't end up qualifying?

I'm sure someone cares, so to answer, I'm pretty sure they don't update the rankings cause the 2008 class is still ranked 17th, and includes all 30 kids in that class. I feel like I recall reading something that said they ranked it 28th or something after guys like Vince Hill were taken out, but it's not reflected in their rankings you can see right now.

I'm sure someone cares, so to answer, I'm pretty sure they don't update the rankings cause the 2008 class is still ranked 17th, and includes all 30 kids in that class. I feel like I recall reading something that said they ranked it 28th or something after guys like Vince Hill were taken out, but it's not reflected in their rankings you can see right now.

Hindsight is 20/20, we only look forward.

Team-by-team class rankings are ridiculous. They are more for entertainment than anything else.

I would compare them to pre-season fantasy football rankings, but they are even less credible than that.

They don't get adjusted for the guys who don't qualify, don't pan out, or can't deny the impulse the rob a liquor store/fellow student/etc.

Are they fun to look at? Sure. Should they be considered definitive, logically-based rankings? Not by a long shot.

Doesn't rivals go back at some point and adjust the rankings to account for the kids that didn't end up qualifying?

Yes. Rivals puts out their "enrolled rankings" in late summer/early fall to reflect who actually made it to campus.
Rivals Enrolled Rankings

Here are the Gopher's enrolled rankings vs. original rankings since they started compiling the enrolled version (Rivals only lists the national top 50 now apparently in their team rank):

Year | Original (National, B1G) | Enrolled (Nat'l, B1G)
2010: 50+, 7 | 50+, NR*
2009: 39, 7 | 48, 7
2008: 17, 3 | 35, 4
2007: 50+, 9 | 50+, 9
2006: 50+, 9 | 50+, 9
2005: 50+, 10 | 50+, 10

*Rivals only has the top 5 Big Ten teams ranked in 2010's conference enrolled rankings for some reason.

ESPN recently re-ranked the 2008 class. Alabama was first, OSU was 5th or 6th, and the Badgers were 8th. Interesting because we haven't cracked the top 25 for a number of years. But we keep the borders closed for the most part and do a great job with walk ons and developing players. Players in Northern Wisconsin are often over looked.

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