Claeys says Leidner one step closer to clearing concussion protocol, could play Sat


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Nov 11, 2008
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Good to have Leidner as a backup so we don't have to burn a redshirt on our other QBs.

Good to have Leidner as a backup so we don't have to burn a redshirt on our other QBs.

I agree that may be the best for Mitch unless he's completely recovered

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I agree that may be the best for Mitch unless he's completely recovered

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Yes, this is what I meant. I am fine with giving Rhoda a chance to start a game at home, but if he gets hurt then Leidner can come in.

Or if his 7/15 passing with 5 yds/attempt is insufficient. Hopefully his performance will improve now that first game jitters are over and he has a supportive home crowd!

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This has to be a smoke screen.

Earlier this week Tracy said on the radio interview that even if Mitch passed on Thursday they really wouldn't likely play him.

I expect Conor Rhoda starts.

My gut tells me you will be seeing Mitch play on Saturday. If he passes protocol on Thursday and wants to play, he will play.

My gut tells me you will be seeing Mitch play on Saturday. If he passes protocol on Thursday and wants to play, he will play.

I agree with you. But i like Mitch enough that I wish they'd start Rhoda. Mitch has to play reckless to be great and he needs to be healthy. Start Rhoda and see if you can get Mitch another week to heal. Not to mention all the unknown indecision to the whole team of how he reacts after Thursday & Friday practices...who to prepare for as a teammate etc. Give Rhoda some confidence and the team some peace and say he's your guy this week. If the score warrants it and Mitch does become cleared , put Mitch in the game only if necessary. Look at the Twins players never the same after concussions. Koskie, Mourneau, Mauer still has blurred vision 3 years later. Why rush Mitch back from a concussion? Not how I'd handle it.

If healthy, he starts.
If not, he doesn't.
Otherwise maybe we should rest every starter since it's just Rutgers.

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Someone educate me on concussion recovery. Is it like a light switch where you go from hurt to 100% after passing a certain test? Or is more like an ankle sprain where you slowly progress, and could play with the ankle 80% healed and taped up?

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If healthy, he starts.
If not, he doesn't.
Otherwise maybe we should rest every starter since it's just Rutgers.

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A little garbage time late in the game at home would be pretty nice to see.

Someone educate me on concussion recovery. Is it like a light switch where you go from hurt to 100% after passing a certain test? Or is more like an ankle sprain where you slowly progress, and could play with the ankle 80% healed and taped up?

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The catch is that it is hard to know what 100% is. There's no real "concussion over" test. Concussions aren't a binary thing nor are they super measurable. It is more of a question of "whelp, there doesn't seem to be much in the way of symptoms anymore".

The biggest concern isn't really if Mitch can throw well, it is that a second concussion shortly after the recent concussion has shown to be more severe and potentially longer lasting. Outside that there isn't a lot known about brain injury...... some testing has shown repeated sub concussion hits worse than concussions but like all brain injury stuff it seems to vary person to person.

At MN they do a thing that is kinda neat. Everyone on the team gets tested with some cognitive tests to establish a non concussion baseline performance. Then they can test them as they go for their cognitive performance to see where they are at if there is an injury. If that is part of the protocol they are using I don't know, but I know they do that testing and compare to the baseline.

This has to be a smoke screen.

Earlier this week Tracy said on the radio interview that even if Mitch passed on Thursday they really wouldn't likely play him.

I expect Conor Rhoda starts.

Could be, but I heard him say that Mitch passed first step and was going to do light work on Tuesday. He said it was a long shot for him to play based on that. Hard to say (4days before game) we're not playing our starting QB even if he's cleared.

Someone educate me on concussion recovery. Is it like a light switch where you go from hurt to 100% after passing a certain test? Or is more like an ankle sprain where you slowly progress, and could play with the ankle 80% healed and taped up?

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I've had two kids go through concussions, I've dealt with multiple players I've coached with concussions. Talking with the doctors about my kids, and researching some on my own, going through concussion training as a coach, they don't know. They know returning while still altered is extremely dangerous. They don't have data on how long after your not altered is long enough. The good news is it's really tough to fake it past the tests if your still altered. Both my kids tried to, and could not. They wanted to get back early but weren't able to fool the tests. I get more concerned as the stakes get higher that the people that should be gatekeeping these kids off the field until they are ready are pressured to give a "close enough" diagnosis.

I've seen first hand how different the path back can be based on the kid and the severity of the concussion. Some kids can get through it in 2 weeks, some need months.

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