CJ says Brew calls Pat Fat Pat


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Feb 12, 2009
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Word has it that Gopher football coach Tim Brewster was ordered to delete a Twitter.com entry that took a large shot at Strib sports columnist Patrick Reusse.

By the time I heard about this, the alleged tweet from Brew was gone from "Play4brew."

But an e-mailer name Ron claims Brew posted this: How would you like to wake up in the morning and look in the mirror...... if your [sic] Fat Pat.

At 12:41 p.m. Thursday I posted this on Twitter: "Trying to find that alleged 'Fat Pat' post from Coach Brewster."

Not a tweet. Friday afternoon I tracked down Reusse, who'd heard all about this, and he said "Coach Brew has detected that I'm overweight and that makes him an astute observer. And this situation could in no way lessen my opinion of him."

Left a voice mail for Tom Wistrcill, an assistant to the U's AD Joel Maturi, seeking get confirmation or a comment on gossip that a higher up told coach to make the naughty tweet disappear. Getting no response from Wistrcill, I then posted another tweet at DishCentral by C.J. that read: Coach Brew I need a quote from yooooou. You are not being a tweety. Please e-mail [me].

Reusse didn't see the alleged Brew tweet either. "I wouldn't know how to Twitter, although I am on there; I don't know how I got there," said Reusse. "But I got five or six e-mails telling me about [what Brewster allegedly wrote]."

My tweety of a tipster Ron's told me "Brew should probably worry more about the upcoming season than local scribes. For a guy who was supposed to be better at dealing with the media than Glen Mason, I just don't see it and I am very disappointed."

C.J. is at 612.332.TIPS or [email protected]. E-mailers, please state a subject -- "Hello" doesn't count. Attachments are not opened, so don't even try. More of her attitude can be seen on FOX 9 Thursday mornings

Brew already said he didn't write that Tweet, that's why it was taken down so quickly. The Star Tribune is ridiculous.

the strib's sports writers are horrible, with LaVelle being the exception.

CJ is a gossip columnist, just trashy writing.

Brew already said he didn't write that Tweet, that's why it was taken down so quickly. The Star Tribune is ridiculous.

No argument there. Frankly, it would be more of a story had Pat not taken personal shots at Brewster every time he opens his face. If Brew did call him that, I would have laughed. But I fear that Pat will think he matters somehow out of all of this and write some column telling everyone this fact over the next few days...:rolleyes::rolleyes:

Yes to what you all are saying ... but Brew should not allow himself to be put into this situation - whether he wrote it or not (I happen to agree and find it funny btw). I have no problem with him sticking up for the program and sparring with Mr. Negative once in a while, but this doesn't make him look good whether he wrote it or not.

Yes to what you all are saying ... but Brew should not allow himself to be put into this situation - whether he wrote it or not (I happen to agree and find it funny btw). I have no problem with him sticking up for the program and sparring with Mr. Negative once in a while, but this doesn't make him look good whether he wrote it or not.

MY question to you is what could he have done to 'not allow himself to be put in this situation'. If someone hacked into his account what can he do? Reusse is just a sad individual who will have nothing to write about if the team ever becomes succesful

If the Strib is going to succeed based on the CJ gossip columns, long live Sid Hartmann. Sid at least talks to people, CJ gossips. SAD.

I don't care who wrote it, Fat Pat had it coming.

MY question to you is what could he have done to 'not allow himself to be put in this situation'. If someone hacked into his account what can he do? Reusse is just a sad individual who will have nothing to write about if the team ever becomes succesful

My premise is that Brew doesn't do this himself since there are only so minutes in the day ... so he has someone post something for him - and that person didn't act wisely. That's what I was assuming. Obviously, if his account was hacked, that's anther matter.

But an e-mailer name Ron claims Brew posted this: How would you like to wake up in the morning and look in the mirror...... if your [sic] Fat Pat.

My tweety of a tipster Ron's told me "Brew should probably worry more about the upcoming season than local scribes. For a guy who was supposed to be better at dealing with the media than Glen Mason, I just don't see it and I am very disappointed."

This is all you need to know about this whole article. Her source for everything is an emailer named Ron. Not only does she base an entire article on a tip from a man who doesn't even have a last name, but she also quotes him as if he has any authority on the subject whatsoever.

I saw it when it was still up. Hilarious. No doubt in my mind Brewster wrote it.

I think a far more interesting story would be to dig in to why Pat Reusse started attacking Tim Brewster from the minute he became the Gopher Football coach. If CJ would write that story, I'd actually read her column.

I think a far more interesting story would be to dig in to why Pat Reusse started attacking Tim Brewster from the minute he became the Gopher Football coach. If CJ would write that story, I'd actually read her column.

because when they first met brewster had NO CLUE about who reusse was..... and when you do that to your ROYAL FATNESS.....well he doesnt forget it

How old is CJ? I have been skipping over her column for at least the last 2 decades. They still use that same old glamor shots photo of her that was taken in about 1988. Here is a tip for CJ, stick to writing hard hitting stories about Shiancoe's cock.

I would hope that Brewster would be man enough to call him "fat Pat" if that's what he thinks. I think a good war between Brewster and the strib would do Brewster more good than harm. So, twiitter to your hearts content Mr. Brewster. Because let's face it, Reusse is goig to be classic Reusse after each loss this fall. And, the wins will bring out the real nasty Reusse one liners. It is the fate of the football coach at the University of Minnesota to carry on a war of words with the local sorbs...(sports opinion reusse-bararrio stooges). Let cj stir things up and then have at 'em! It will be entertaining. People can take sides. It will bring passion to the news columns and onto the practice fields that reporters won't have access to because of Brewster's fued with Reusse. It will be newsworthy. It will be creative. It will be funny. It will make me laugh out loud! We've seen it for over three decades. Shots taken at coaches. Terse comments shot back at writers. Reporters banned from practices. Sarcastic awards presented to a coach, an AD, by a newspaper personality. This is fun stuff! This is entertainment. This is how it is supposed to be. Twitter to your hearts content Mr. Brewster. Come up with some real zingers for Reusse. He sure as heck will be zinging you during the football season. Give and take. Take and give. It's al good!

Come on cj, keep fanning the flames.

The strib and Reusse can't hurt Brewster and Brewster can't hurt the strib and Reusse. cj will have something to fill her column that no one reads and life in the big city will be pretty much the way it always is.

And we wonder why newspapers all around the country are going broke. It's because they keep play people like CJ to write crap stories about something that nobody can ever prove that happened, unless somebody has a screen shot. If I was trimming the fat over at the Strib CJ would be high on the chopping block.

And if you really think about is there ANY note worthy gossip going in the Twin Cities?

I saw it when it was still up. Hilarious. No doubt in my mind Brewster wrote it.

Brewster probably feels exactly like what the tweet said, but to be honest, I don't think he wrote it. Considering the very elementary grammatical error in the tweet and the fact that Brewster is using Twitter as a recruiting/marketing tool, I don't think he puts anything on there that hasn't been proofread.

Who is CJ and what's a STRIB???? Some extinct inky papery kind of globular paste?

If he did tweet it, I don't like it, but I certainly don't feel sorry for Reusse. He has used his platform to take more than his fair share of shots at Brewster, many of them with mean, malicious intent.

It's really a minor thing, but I still would hope TB would be above doing something like this.

There's a reason the Star Tribune went bankrupt.

I don't have a problem with good ole CJ promoting the idea that Coach stiffed Fat Pat. Actually when you think about it she's only sticking up for her own
kind. That would be someone in the media, someone who is a fellow wide body and someone who is as inconsequential in what he does as she is. She's a
clown who actually thinks that what she says is either funny or important so why anyone would waste time watching or reading her is hard to understand.
I don't think, however, that Coach even said it.

It was on there for about 20 minutes. But it all probably happened because he made his password "gophers" or something like that.

It would be hard to belive that this was his "tweet" because the tone and style was a radical departure from all the others.

Anyway ... it doesn't matter because of plausible deniability. Just like Pat can deny that he has never gone around saying ridiculous defamatory things about U football players.

C.J. is the consumate bitch who looks under rocks for any inkling of a tidbit which may,or may not be true

Brewster probably feels exactly like what the tweet said, but to be honest, I don't think he wrote it. Considering the very elementary grammatical error in the tweet and the fact that Brewster is using Twitter as a recruiting/marketing tool, I don't think he puts anything on there that hasn't been proofread.

Good point but coaches say stuff like this all the time. Brewster himself doesn't always seem to choose his words very carefully- he is kind of known to shoot from the hip.

Punky got caught doing something stupid?

No wonder the Tribune went bankrupt. They are supposed to report things that people don't know are going to happen.

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