Chuck Long as a color guy?

Pretty discouraged about BTN announcers. Richardson's name was NEVER mentioned for causing the first pick. Long whiffed on the PAT formation penalty. They blew the second pick. I've yet to hear any team on this network that seems like they know more about the teams, players, or just the game in genral than my mom, who doesn't watch much football.

Better than who the Vikings had last week.

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Brady Quinn was actually prepared.

I happen to love Mike Patrick although he is curiously polarizing for some people. He was very knowledgeable about the team and he hits the right emotional tone. He is the anti-Joe Buck.

These announcers were f-ing awful. It hurt my head listening to these morons. I swear, it was like they were learning about football as they were watching the game. F-ing awful.

I thought they were alright. I thought Long made a few good points about why the Gophers' passing game wasn't working in the first half and he did compliment Limegrover for using more play-action in the second half.

Yeah, these guys today were pretty bad. I've heard Long at least once when he was having a goid day, but it didn't work today.

Chuck Long was about 20 times better than Beth Mowens and Joey Galloway on the Deuce. I can't stand them.

Be glad we didn't have Ed Cunningham, espn's $EC bobo calling the MSU game. He must have had standing orders to denigrate the BT in general and the Spartans in particular at every opportunity. Heaven forbid that a BT team might make it to the playoffs

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