Chuck Carlton is the nation's premier college football mind

How does Greder have them 25? Is he trying for dink status? Joking of course.
Wisconsin State Journal guy puts Badgers at 17...Iowa at Gophs
Quad City Times guy puts Iowa at 22, Badgers at Gophs
Omaha World Herald guy puts Badgers at Gophs or Iowa
Greder puts Gophs at 25, doesn't rank Iowa or Wisconsin
Boulder guy puts Iowa at 15, Gophs at 25, no WI...Oklahoma at 4
Champaign guy puts Iowa at 23, no WI or MN
Wahington DC guy Iowa 16, no Mn or Wi
Dayton Daily News Iowa 17, MN 25, no WI
Fort Wayne guy put MN 24, no IA or W
South Bend guy puts ND 8, WI, IA 22, MN

You can tell the type of voter some people are.

Voter Type A. (The Lazy Voter)
Leave everything the same every week. Just move the teams up or down a bit based on if they won or lost. If you need to add a team, try to avoid it if you can and keep the same teams in the top 25.

Voter Type B (Replacement voter (Ranked wins matter most))
Whenever a top 25 team loses, the team who beat them should get votes. These are the polls that have WI in now with Iowa.

Voter Type C - (Look at the standings voters)
Look at the standings and see who is leading. Make sure conferences are represented with a first place team. If you are in first place by yourself, you probably deserve a vote unless you conference or division just stinks. This is the most labor intensive because if a Top 25 team loses, you need to look at the standings for a replacement. (These are the polls with Minnesota in it).

Each voter than has a bias assigned to them. They either have a homer bias (They see the positive in the team they cover most and buy into the hype (and sometimes a team their team played benefits as well)), or an anti-homer bias. (they don't want to look like homers).

I always wonder if these guys would be willing to put their money where their keyboard is. Do they really think Cincinnati beats Ohio State? Really? Sparty over Alabama? And so on. Would you bet 5k on that result?

I don’t know what the polls have ever meant other than eye test+ last weeks result + inertia bias

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