Chip: The NCAA took a necessary step in tweaking the targeting rule starting this season.


Well-known member
Nov 11, 2008
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per Chip:

The NCAA took a necessary step in tweaking the targeting rule starting this season. Targeting penalties called in the second half of a game can be appealed to the national coordinator of officials for review. If the call is overturned, the player does not have to sit out the first half of the next game. I have never liked the ejection portion of the targeting penalty because it is too punitive in most cases. Too often we see hits ruled as targeting that clearly are not malicious or are borderline. The potential to appeal at least will lighten the punishment.

Go Gophers!!

Should also be able to appeal where the player has to sit out on a call that was not made but is deemed to have been targeting. Examples abound, but one example is the MN Ohio St. game. The NCAA totally sucks ass at officiating targeting. Each league needs to have 1 or 2 officials who monitor all games at a "headquarters" location and review all targeting calls so you have some consistency. Instead of all these different crew chiefs looking at a tiny monitor under a hood on the field.

The automatic ejection is ridiculous and stupid. Like the NFL, call the penalty if you think it's warranted, then move on with the game. If you want to further penalize players, have a central office review every targeting penalty from the week and hand down suspensions by Monday or Tuesday for those deemed excessively dangerous or egregious.

The rule has the right idea.

Plenty of these are WELL DESERVED.

But the way it plays out is terrible…

You gotta give the refs some help in getting it right/ fixing mistakes.

Why do we have to “help” the officials? They earn thousands of dollars during season. First learn the damm rules, go on a diet and get involved with the game. Don’t cater to the home team or the favorites. Be a neutral arbitrator, that’s what you get paid to do. Retire if you can’t keep up with the action. (I did).

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