Chip Scoggins: Gophers seniors survived Kill's initiation, revived program


Well-known member
Nov 11, 2008
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Another great column from Chip:

“I want this senior class to be remembered as the guys who were tough enough and resilient enough and committed enough to weather Coach Kill’s first year,” Botticelli said. “Because he put this football program through the gantlet and it needed to be put through the gantlet.”

The seniors survived it because they had conviction, the right kind of character and faith in Kill’s plan. They wanted their program to be taken seriously, to be relevant.

The Gophers must continue to improve and win more games and attract better talent, but the future looks promising.

The legacy of any senior class can be captured in one simple question: Is the program in better shape now than when they arrived?

In this case, yes. Most definitely, yes.

Go Gophers!!

Great read and some fantastic quotes in there. Scoggins hit it out of the park with this piece. Thanks for the heads up. Love this senior class and will miss them.

Great read and some fantastic quotes in there. Scoggins hit it out of the park with this piece. Thanks for the heads up. Love this senior class and will miss them.

Exactly. Very well said.
Thanks Bleed for posting.

Great article Bleed, thanks for all you do. Also, nice bumping into you at the Pep Rally.

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