Chip Scoggins column: Seasoned Nelson ready to lead Gophers


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Nov 11, 2008
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Nelson dissected his 2012 season in the film room this summer. He has watched every game twice — the first time focused on what plays worked against certain defenses, the second time zeroed in on third downs specifically. He has a stack of notebook binders in his bedroom filled with notes, concepts and opponents’ defensive tendencies.

At the request of coaches, Nelson also identified plays that left him in “funky” situations. For instance, on one play, he had a short underneath route to a receiver moving to his right. But a pass rusher from his right forced him to move to his left, causing an awkward throw. Nelson and the rest of the quarterbacks created their own drill in individual workouts to simulate that exact scenario in case it happens again.

“Just being able to get your feet wet, you know what to expect,” Nelson said. “I have a better understanding of what’s going to come and how to read coverages and being able to pick apart a defense.”

There’s no substitute for experience in that regard. Former Gophers quarterback Bryan Cupito said his comfort level was “100 percent different” in his second season as a starter.

“The first year you find out that it’s a big-boy level,” Cupito said. “It’s the first time you hear negative stuff said and written about you, and your confidence wavers. You learn how to deal with that. That second year, you know what to expect on and off the field.”

Go Gophers!!

barring injury we'll find out if its the arrow or the indian.

Cupito isn't a bad example: started out well his sophomore year, then had some struggles in the middle to end of the season ('04 Iowa game need, amongst not losing yards for Rhys Lloyd on last drive, someone with a pulse that could complete a pass & Cupito wasn't that guy that day). I started to really like him though when he should some grit in the Alabama bowl game playing through a knee injury because he was the only option. And really, the moment after his pick-6 toss in the 4th quarter against Purdue, he was extremely solid from that point to the end of his career.

Hopefully things slow down a little for Nelson this year, which they should.

I think Nelson heard footsteps this Spring. ( Leider ) If he has an inkling of trouble the first 4 games Leider may get a shot.

Both of these lads NEED to hear the sound of footsteps...

I think Nelson heard footsteps this Spring. ( Leider ) If he has an inkling of trouble the first 4 games Leider may get a shot.

as the Gopher running backs run over, around and through the defensive front seven and the offensive line starts taking charge of some B1G games...IF either one or BOTH are going to have success in 2013. Neither one of them can face the lack of great offensive line play and an anemic running game. And, I think that both of the lads will have to move the chains on the ground themselves now and then to keep the defenses on their toes and never quite sure what to expect. THEN, the lads will be able to keep the defenses hearing footsteps. If there is trouble, it would be because the running game doesn't command enough respect. A "pure" passing game is probably not going to be our Gopher's forte in 2013...or any time soon.

Run the ball and stop the run... Footsteps need to be heard all over the stadium from the Gopher's offense! I'm talking "footsteps" as in a very solid running game. And, the quarterback is probably going to have to be making the sounds of footsteps himself if the Gophers are going to win themselves an invitation to a bowl game. If the Gophers can run the ball, they will be able to throw the ball some too!

; 0 )

^^^ maybe you should look up the commonly accepted meaning of the idiom "hearing footsteps"....

Jeezzze fryguy22: who the heck wants to always follow blindly and be nothing but a...

^^^ maybe you should look up the commonly accepted meaning of the idiom "hearing footsteps"....

"common idiom" disciple?

The point here is that it really does NOT matter who is playing quarterback IF the offensive line is constantly banged up and patched together and if there is NOT a semblance of a running game to give the quarterback a CHANCE to operate a FULL playbook, have time to throw the ball and all that jazz. When there IS not a strong offensive line and a decent running game NEITHER of these two young men have a chance out there. In the MSU game, the Gophers rushed for FOUR YARDS. Now, you tell me HOW any quarterback is going to fare with a situation like that?

Some posters LOVE qb controversies. That's fine, I guess. But, other fans don't see eye to eye with those who always find a reason to start a qb controversy. Personally, I wish ALL our qb's the best because you NEVER know when one...or two...or more qb's are going to have to miss some game time.

Neither of the young men were perfect in the Spring Game. Both looked pretty good going against the Gopher Defense at times. And, I don't think EITHER of them have confidence problems. They both seem to have pretty healthy ego strength, good athletic abilityand are probably helping each other to get better and to be prepared. At least I HOPE Coach Kill is coach enough to be fostering that "one for all and all for one..." mentality with his quarterbacks and other players in his football program.

Hearing "footsteps" has a heck of a lot more to do with when the offensive line misses an assignment or a back doesn't pick up the blitz or a receiver and the qb are not on the same wave length with the routes. And, if those missed assignments go on too probably doesn't matter who is playing qb.

I don't see any qb controversies going on around the Gopher Team...but...Gopher Fans seem to see "footsteps" in their dreams..." and it makes for such spirited "point" and "counterpoint" discussions on GOPHERHOLE Football Forums.

With this team and these players it's all about developing DEPTH at ALL positions. No controversy here...

; 0 )

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