It was on the coverage from the Big 10 Network. He was asked by either Howard Griffith or Coach DiNardo. Their expressions when he said it told the story. He was I think he was a three time Captain and ducked the work outs. Then was then. This is now.
I'm really not interested in hijacking the thread for yet another Weber debate, so i'll take your word for it. I have no doubt things are looking up in the weight room now for the team.
I know from speaking to his HS coaches and neighbors he worked very hard while at the U.
It's possible he wasn't as dedicated as a lifter his first few years, but his durability and relative health under alot of pressure and hits along with alot of rushing attempts early in his career would seem to indicate he kept his body somewhat prepared for the punishment.
He was an accomplished lifter coming out of HS in most of the olympic lifts and posted good numbers for a HS kid(300+ power clean)
Klein intrigues me as a strength coach because he certainly has his own style, dissimilar to the previous strength staff, and his background includes stops as a strength coach of entire schools across all sports and as a throws coach himself. That kind of diversity in dealing with athletes lends itself to out of the box thinking, which is good.
The "bend" mantra of increasing functional flexibility while also working on olympic lifts and other functional strength exercises like kettlebells, sledgehammers, tire flips, etc will make our athletes not only stronger, but also help with their balance and change of direction speed.
NIU rolled us physically when they came in here 2 years ago with very lean(but big) athletes. Clearly Klein has proven himself at other levels of competition to be a great strength coach. his comment on dealing with "Big ten athletes", basically larger linemen, makes me think he has had to adjust a bit to accommodate or at least transition in the big monsters left over from the last staff. I'm betting the recruits they bring in on the lines going forward are better suited for Kleins' program and will be fully immersed in it from day 1 unlike the guys he took over last offseason.