CFN Big Predictions...

First time I rally looked that the division break downs, they might have to switch Penn State and Nebraska to even things out.

Disagree with predictions...Iowa will not be 3rd, MN will not be last and Nebraska will be higher then it is currently ranked.

Wow - Bucky has an easily schedule - Mich St. and Ohio St. @ home...Penn St. On the road. Nebraska on road is toughest game.

Its Michigan State v. someone other than Wisconsin. Now, how can that be? Well while OSU and PSU are ineligible, they still are going to be tough to beat. Wisonsin plays there opening game at Nebraska and that is no sure thing. OSU and PSU are playing for pride and recruits. We play Wisconsin and they could have 4 losses. My dark horse is Illinois.

Its Michigan State v. someone other than Wisconsin. Now, how can that be? Well while OSU and PSU are ineligible, they still are going to be tough to beat. Wisonsin plays there opening game at Nebraska and that is no sure thing. OSU and PSU are playing for pride and recruits. We play Wisconsin and they could have 4 losses. My dark horse is Illinois.

Everyone is forgetting about Indiana in all this. They will be the ones representing the East(ish) in the championship game. Book it!

Minnesota might be the 7th or 8th best team in the conference and still end up with 5 wins and a 6th place divisional finish. The divisions are that uneven this year.

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