CBS: Vegas expert: Buckeyes TD swung $100 million toward bettors


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Nov 11, 2008
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per CBS:

If you're an engaged college football fan, you probably know by now that Northwestern 's failed desperation lateral sequence on the final play of its 40-30 loss to Ohio State -- one that ended in the Buckeyes recovering a loose ball in the end zone for six "meaningless" points --may not have changed the outcome of the game, but did change the outcome of thousands of wagers nationwide.

The Buckeyes were anywhere from 5.5- to 6.5-point favorites, meaning that touchdown suddenly swung the against-the-spread result from a Northwestern cover to an Ohio State victory. And with the Buckeyes one of the most popular wagers on the board for last Saturday, that touchdown wound up being very bad news for oddsmakers.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p>That last-second <a href="">#OhioSt</a> TD vs <a href="">#Northwestern</a>, prompted an estimated swing from bookies to bettors of $100 million worldwide, per <a href="">@RJinVegas</a></p>— Bruce Feldman (@BFeldmanCBS) <a href="">October 7, 2013</a></blockquote>
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Go Gophers!!

Example #1088 of what's wrong with college football.

This is actually the first thing I thought of when the play happened. I was on my phone instantly checking the line. I knew OSU is a popular bet and as a fellow gambler felt the pain of thousands. Been there. That sucks.

Example #1088 of what's wrong with college football.

Wrong. Betting is one of the things that makes college football as popular as it is. Same with the NFL. Without gambling, sports wouldn't be nearly as popular as it is. It's a huge part of our culture, plain and simple.

why are 'bookies' holding bets?
if $100million is bet on the game, they want $50million on each team...
the bookies earn their 10% cut in the middle.. they could care less who wins.
that is why the point spread moves.. to encourage a 50/50 balance of $... if too much $ comes in for OSU, the point spread will rise and money will rush in for Northwestern....

why are 'bookies' holding bets?
if $100million is bet on the game, they want $50million on each team...
the bookies earn their 10% cut in the middle.. they could care less who wins.
that is why the point spread moves.. to encourage a 50/50 balance of $... if too much $ comes in for OSU, the point spread will rise and money will rush in for Northwestern....

It is hard for spreads to keep up with last minute $$$$$.

I like Northwestern's call (not necessarily the execution). There job was to take a shot to try to win the game, not stay ahead of the spread. They called an unconventional and risky play because they thought that was their best shot at a miracle. I hope Fitzgerald would do it again in the same situation.

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