CBS: The cautionary tale of Japan's "sex recession"


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Nov 11, 2008
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per CBS:

All around the world, young people are having less sex than previous generations. At the forefront of the so-called global "sex recession" is Japan, which has one of the lowest fertility rates on Earth, and it could serve as a cautionary tale for the U.S. and other industrialized countries.

Shota Suzuki works as a building custodian in Tokyo. After work, he likes to hang out in an area known for anime and manga with his friends. But at 28, Suzuki has never had a romantic relationship, and he's pessimistic that he ever will.

"Yes, I'm a virgin," he told CBS News. "I would like to get married, but I can't find a partner."

Suzuki is far from a rare case. It's not difficult to find other young adults, like 27-year-old Kakeru Nakamura, who are surprisingly candid about their sexual inexperience.

"My parents want me to hurry up and get married," he said. "I tell them I'm too busy."

A review of Japan's National Fertility Survey reveals virginity is on the rise; one out of every 10 Japanese men in their 30s is still a virgin. That puts Japan's virginity rate well ahead of that of other industrialized nations.

"A large proportion of these individuals cannot find a partner in the market," Peter Ueda, a public health researcher at Tokyo University, told CBS News. He's sounding the alarm about Japan's surging virginity rate, which he notes is, "actually the highest ever recorded in a high-income country."

For Japan, already well into an unprecedented population decline, the sex drought is more bad news. If current trends hold, Japan's population will collapse by more than half over the next century.

The drop in both sex and births is often blamed are long working hours, too much time spent online, and the Japanese fetish for digital companionship, which manifests itself in the popularity of robots and holographic "partners."

But Ueda said he suspects financial and job insecurity are what's really fueling Japan's sex recession.

Go Gophers!!

It doesn’t matter. We’re going to all be dead in 12 years...I mean 11 and 1/2 years.

Greta Thunberg and AOC told me.

I post a thread about a sex recession in Japan, and one reply in and we're talking U.S. politics. Sigh...

Go Gophers!!

I’m 60. I don’t like to think about sex recessions.

I saw something about this awhile back.
It's puzzling.

Could be for a number of reasons I would guess.
Japan has been in slow economic times for about 30 years. Steady decline in value of homes last I read about it.

It doesn’t matter. We’re going to all be dead in 12 years...I mean 11 and 1/2 years.

Greta Thunberg and AOC told me.

You've got it completely backwards. This solves global warming. If there's less people, then less carbon is emitted. It gives us more time to phase out fossil fuels. :)

You've got it completely backwards. This solves global warming. If there's less people, then less carbon is emitted. It gives us more time to phase out fossil fuels. :)

Right, they could stand to have a little population decline.

You've got it completely backwards. This solves global warming. If there's less people, then less carbon is emitted. It gives us more time to phase out fossil fuels. :)
I know your younger, but when you’re 60 (actually 61, but whose counting) you can have all the sex you want and not contribute to the population. Now if I can just convince my wife to have all the sex I want, I can enjoy my last 11.5 years. Come to think about it, kids are the most common reason for sex recessions in married peoples’ lives, so there’s a natural climate change inhibitor built in.

On a semi-serious note - everyone now is so addicted to their phones and electronic devices that we are losing our ability to communicate and relate to other human beings in person.

If you extend that out, you can see people becoming more isolated from each other. It follows that people who are more isolated and lack interpersonal skills are probably less likely to meet and have intimate relations. Japan has always been a very technology-oriented culture, so it's not surprising they are out in front of this.

if we want to maintain the population, we may have to go to test tube babies. It will be just like the Matrix.

On a semi-serious note - everyone now is so addicted to their phones and electronic devices that we are losing our ability to communicate and relate to other human beings in person.

If you extend that out, you can see people becoming more isolated from each other. It follows that people who are more isolated and lack interpersonal skills are probably less likely to meet and have intimate relations. Japan has always been a very technology-oriented culture, so it's not surprising they are out in front of this.

if we want to maintain the population, we may have to go to test tube babies. It will be just like the Matrix.

I've been proposing this for years, even on this board; men should have to go down to the depository and give a sample or two around age 16 or so and then get fixed. When you want and are ready for children, make arrangements accordingly. A world of problems solved with this mandate.

Leave it to an engineer to come up with the most logical and practical solution

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