Sure...but to link to this in reference to the "recent disciplinary troubles" was weak:
Posted by Adam Jacobi
So Minnesota hires Mark Mangino as a consultant, and the very first news out of Minneapolis just hours later? Wideout/kick return specialist Troy Stoudermire is suspended for "conduct detrimental to the team." Are the two events related? There's no telling as yet, so that just means we're going to have to speculate. And speculate recklessly, at that.
So we wonder: what exactly did Stoudermire do to get suspended indefinitely?
Cracked a fusillade of fat jokes at Mangino
Pulled a Dion Sims, but with the entire team's helmets
Knowingly and willingly participated in the Gophers' 41-38 loss to South Dakota
Liquid Heat in the jockstraps
Printed Motivational Tourette's bingo cards for his teammates for use at team meetings
Begged Lane Kiffin after USC's 32-21 win at Minnesota to "take me home with you"
Refuses to open an account at TCF Bank, stadium name be damned