CBS: Minnesota Golden Gopher Protest Is Ironic, Not Righteous


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Nov 11, 2008
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per Baffoe of CBS Chicago:

Worst of all, this Gopher football team boycott turns the protest system ickily on its head and makes the school and athletic department the sympathetic figures here. Minnesota is willing to sacrifice serious cash by compromising its team’s ability to win games this season over this sexual assault allegation. The big money is in the bowl game and beyond, though. These players understand they have the school superiors by the footballs.

“We’re all in this together,” Wolitarsky said. “What are they going to do, pull 120 guys off the team? They won’t have a team if that’s the case.”

And the player are just toxically bright enough to publicly put the onus on school officials to not ruin America’s rabid love of the Holiday Bowl and the work of all parties involved.

“This decision for the players to take this stance is not easy, but important to preserve the integrity of our program and ourselves,” Wolitarsky said. “We note that the Holiday Bowl Committee, Washington State and the fans are affected by that decision. To that end, we respectfully request that the Holiday Bowl Committee be patient during this time, while Mark Coyle considers his decision to suspend. We also want to request that Mark Coyle make his decision with due haste.”

So sorry that the bad people with consciences, or at least a respect for the EOAA or victims of sexual assault everywhere, or even just an awareness of Penn State and Baylor and myriad other obvious evidence of college football’s problem with handling rape situations, are turding up the football punch bowl, everybody. It sure does stink that athletes can’t act dangerously with impunity as much as they used to.

And this protest becomes indistinguishable from anyone who defends any of the infamous violent sports men of recent vintage when you throw in some more social media sociologists crying “but legally…” (which doesn’t matter regarding suspensions for behavior) and “their reputations” (as members of a D-I program among boosters and alumni with connections) and “senior last game though” (the memories of which will last forever, just like those of someone’s rape).

These Minnesota Golden Gopher players aren’t heroes for boycotting on behalf of football over alleged sexual assault, regardless if that’s how they see it, because they don’t see clearly to begin with. Their righteousness is a myth. Sadly ironic, isn’t it?

Considering they think they’re living the ideals of a true student-athlete, itself largely a myth.

Go Gophers!!

He starts his line with " For all the snark".

So much snark, I couldn't decipher that article.

not even close to being relevant. Just another liberal spouting off about all the misguided appreciation of college athletics, particulate football. A real good bet, he didn't know the Gophers were even playing in the bowl game.

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