CBS: Mike Anderson leaves Mizzou for Arkansas job

Mizzou has no 2011 recruits to poach if anyone besides me was wondering. They have 3 scholarships to give this spring (ugh).

Missouri is a good job. But Tubby is no fit. If he was leaving this year it was for Arkansas. They got their first choice though, and it wasn't Tubby.

I know everyone is kidding around about the Tubby to Mizzou thing, but Minnesota is such a better job. There is a reason that Missouri wanted in the Big Ten. It's a great conference.

Not till I hear it from a reliable source like Souhan, PMac, or Darren


Why Arkansas over Mizzouri, Mizzouri has a pretty good recruiting base. SEC being a weaker basketball conference than the big 12? Getting away from Kansas?

Why Arkansas over Mizzouri, Mizzouri has a pretty good recruiting base. SEC being a weaker basketball conference than the big 12? Getting away from Kansas?

I think Arkansas, Missouri and Minnesota are all in the same group of jobs. All top 30-35 jobs in the country. He's going to Arkansas because of all the years he spent there with Richardson. While the SEC is weaker, you only have to climb over Kentucky and Florida, which may be easier then Kansas, Texas, K-State, etc.

Why Arkansas over Mizzouri, Mizzouri has a pretty good recruiting base. SEC being a weaker basketball conference than the big 12? Getting away from Kansas?


Mizzou like Arkansas also have Walton relatives that give tons of money to both universities.

Glad we can put the latest baseless Tubby rumor to rest. Off the top of my head, he's been said to be leaving for the following schools over the last two years:

- Arkansas
- Georgia Tech
- Virginia
- Oregon

Am I missing any? Glad to hear this is closed, as the rumors get really old.


>>I think Arkansas, Missouri and Minnesota are all in the same group of jobs<<

But Columbia and Fayetteville don't compare to Minneapolis. Closer to Mankato.


>>I think Arkansas, Missouri and Minnesota are all in the same group of jobs<<

But Columbia and Fayetteville don't compare to Minneapolis. Closer to Mankato.

Minneapolis is > Feyetteville and Columbia. That's one of the things in Minnesota's favor. Also we don't have Kansas and Memphis accross the street stealing recruits. On the other hand, both Missouri and Arkansas have won NCAA tournament games this century, which is always nice.

Aside from salary considerations, Minnesota appeals to coaches who are anxious to compete with great coaches in the Big Ten, love a metropolitan atmosphere, like the unique Barn, and aren't intimidated by harsh weather.

Can't wait for GopherHolers to pour it on CBS and other media that made the claim that Anderson had left for Arkansas.

Minnesota isn't even one of the top 7 jobs in the BT.

Sure it is. It's certainly better than PSU, NW and Iowa and also better than Michigan, IMO. It may be 7th, but long-term there's nothing inherently better about Purdue, Wisconsin or even Illinois. So you could argue those four schools anywhere from 4th-7th.

And even if it's the 7th best job in the Big 10, that doesn't mean it's not still a top 30-35 job nationally. Or are you one of those who believe Auburn, Virginia and Oregon are better and Tubby was just itching for a chance at them?

Can't wait for GopherHolers to pour it on CBS and other media that made the claim that Anderson had left for Arkansas.

Between the classy report that Tubby was 'gone' on the day of an NCAA game (including blathering about it on air) and this, CBS is really proving itself to be the dependable source for coaching news.

Arkansas officials are expected to meet with Missouri coach Mike Anderson later Wednesday and, according to sources, a contract offer and Anderson's acceptance of it appear to be a formality.

Missouri athletic director Mike Alden was unavailable for comment early Wednesday but a Missouri official said there was no announcement planned from Columbia, Mo.

Essentially, no one knows anything, that's what I'm reading.

Aside from salary considerations, Minnesota appeals to coaches who are anxious to compete with great coaches in the Big Ten, love a metropolitan atmosphere, like the unique Barn, and aren't intimidated by harsh weather.


Being in Minneapolis is a huge assest IMO.

Didn't this guy, just a few days ago, make a big deal about saying he wasn't going anywhere and was excited about the future at Mizzou?

What an a$$hole.

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