CBS: Georgia Tech asks for waiver to go bowling at 6-7

They should be granted the waiver - UCLA got it last year when USC was ineligible for the Pac-12 Championship, and this is an even stranger case. It isn't Georgia Tech's fault that North Carolina is on a postseason ban, and that Miami decided to take cyanide for this season in hopes of getting leniency from the NCAA. Since the ACC is going to leave at least two bowls unfilled, the waiver should be approved in short order.

They should be granted the waiver - UCLA got it last year when USC was ineligible for the Pac-12 Championship, and this is an even stranger case. It isn't Georgia Tech's fault that North Carolina is on a postseason ban, and that Miami decided to take cyanide for this season in hopes of getting leniency from the NCAA. Since the ACC is going to leave at least two bowls unfilled, the waiver should be approved in short order.

This should be a no brainer. If the waiver isn't granted, GT & the ACC should raise HELL.

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