CBS: FSU boosters to pay $1.3 million in attorney fees from Winston settlement


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Nov 11, 2008
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per CBS:

Florida State's booster organization will pay $1.3 million of the $1.7 million in attorney fees from the Title IX lawsuit filed against the school by Erica Kinsman, according to the Associated Press.

Kinsman sued Florida State for not properly investigating the allegations that she had been raped by Jameis Winston.

The two parties recently settled the lawsuit for $950,000, which will be paid by the state's Risk Management fund, but the athletic boosters will cover the large majority of the school's own legal fees, according to an email by Boosters Chairman David Rancourt to the Associated Press.

Go Gophers!!

I bet FSU is really hoping this will close the book on Winston's time there and they can wash their hands of the whole thing. Was really amazing to watch a school bend over backwards to keep a guy on the field in spite of all the crap he was pulling.

Do you think Winston will ever donate at least 1.7 million combined to either organization worth to make to make it balance? That doesn't even account for the state's part.

Do you think Winston will ever donate at least 1.7 million combined to either organization worth to make to make it balance? That doesn't even account for the state's part.

10 years from now Winston won't have $1700 to his name.

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Why should he pay 1 cent if he didn't do anything wrong? I don't know if that's the case but if he didn't and the University decided to pay to make her go away Winston owes them nothing.

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This was to settle a title ix lawsuit not to determine Winston's guilt or innocence. Adults failed to handle this properly.

I bet FSU is really hoping this will close the book on Winston's time there and they can wash their hands of the whole thing. Was really amazing to watch a school bend over backwards to keep a guy on the field in spite of all the crap he was pulling.

I'm sure they have to cry themselves to sleep every night after Winston won them a national championship...

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