CBS' Dennis Dodd: Still too soon to judge Kill after another seizure


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Nov 11, 2008
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per CBS Sports' Dennis Dodd:

A lot of us are going to be asked to have an opinion on Kill's ability to do his job. But please, not now. It is, truly, too soon.

"I'm not going to speculate what's down the road," Minnesota AD Norwood Teague said.

Why should he? What's the urgency? Teague inherited Kill, having gotten the job only 18 months ago. He's the guy who hired Shaka Smart at VCU. No one wants to be the person to tell Jerry Kill it isn't going to work for reasons that have nothing to do with football.

This is unprecedented. It feels uncomfortable. Not because Kill has been writhing on the sidelines during some of his in-game seizures. Reality isn't always pretty, kids. Kill deserves our sympathy more than our judgment at the moment.

Kill's situation is not necessarily serious enough to keep him from being in his office Monday, but it was serious enough to keep him from one of the 12 football Saturdays upon which his job evaluated.

Can it go on like this?

Sorry, it's still too soon to answer.

Go Gophers!!

Agreed. I trust the AD and the coach to have that conversation at the appropriate time and make a decision that is best for all. And I'll be cheering for my team either way.

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