CBS: Crowdfunding company starts to pay departed college athletes


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Nov 11, 2008
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per CBS:

A crowdfunding website has moved ahead with plans to pay college athletes. FanPay recently launched live contributions for players to collect money once they graduate and have no playing eligibility left.

Anonymous donors have funded a combined $940 for 11 football, basketball and volleyball players through FanPay, a for-profit crowdfunding company started by three Notre Dame graduates. Crowdfunding is the practice of financing a project or venture by raising contributions from a large number of people, typically through the Internet.

During the fall, FanPay received more than 100 cease-and-desist letters from universities and conferences, and the NCAA published an educational column about athletes' eligibility in relation to crowdfunding. The NCAA has said once an athlete accepts the promise of pay, his or her eligibility is jeopardized, even if funds are not dispersed until after college.

Go Gophers!!

$940 is pretty insignificant, but in principle, it could be a backdoor to paying players. You couldn't actually offer them money while they were still playing, but if a school's boosters were contributing significant amounts of money to this, recruits would know they would be getting some cash when they graduated.

We can't even donate to Gary Tinsley's kids college fund. screw the NCAA.

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