CBS: Bowl game's new name is Bitcoin St. Petersburg Bowl


Well-known member
Nov 11, 2008
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Remember when it was: Rose Bowl, Orange Bowl, Cotton Bowl, Sugar Bowl, and Gator Bowl. You wonder when the religious factor will kick in? " The King James Bible Bowl "

Waiting for the new Vikes stadium to be completed so we can have The Frostbite Falls Bowl........................................OR......The Moosylvania Bowl.

19, I think The Big Ole Bowl would work.

39 bowl games now. Plus they are talking of adding one in Dubai. Sheesh.

WFGF, then let's push for a 40th, and call it The Scheel's Bowl and hold it at the Fargo Dome!!!

Members of both participating teams could even ride the indoor ferris wheel. :cool02:

WFGF, then let's push for a 40th, and call it The Scheel's Bowl and hold it at the Fargo Dome!!!

Members of both participating teams could even ride the indoor ferris wheel. :cool02:

Haha love it Dr Don. Let's make this happen! :clap:

Seriously - what the bleep is "bitcoin?" I'm not a tech guy, so I don't have a clue what this is. Can anyone elaborate?

On another note, I wouldn't mind seeing a bowl game at the Ziggy Palace when it opens.

Seriously - what the bleep is "bitcoin?" I'm not a tech guy, so I don't have a clue what this is. Can anyone elaborate?

On another note, I wouldn't mind seeing a bowl game at the Ziggy Palace when it opens.

Bitcoin is a Free floating (not pegged to any other currency) digital currency. It's protected from counterfeiting, by being based on an algorithm. Its founders like to claim there is no need for a central bank.... of course, it being based on an algorithm, means that the issuing authority is in substance a central bank. Therefore, it has to protect its value, prevent cracking of its code, and maintain some kind of digitized housing structure (server) for storage purposes otherwise, it is dependent completely on people's willingness to accept it, and the value attached to each unit.

Currently, it is rather new and the lack's the stability to make it a viable currency, because the absence of stability of value, seriously hampers possible liquidity.

Translation - it's currently only really useful for speculation.

I think that "Bitcoin" Bowl is far better than "Played in a dump of a baseball stadium that smells like an old sock" Bowl, which is what it really is.

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