CBS: Bernstein: Good For Minnesota


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Nov 11, 2008
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per CBS:

There is rarely justice when it comes to crime on America’s college campuses, particularly when it comes to violence against women and more specifically when the alleged perpetrator is an athlete — a member of a protected class that can act with impunity.

And while it undoubtedly damns with faint praise to acknowledge proper handling of such things if and when it happens, so be it.

The University of Minnesota fired head football coach Tracy Claeys and almost his entire staff Tuesday. The decision was almost entirely due to his public backing of players in their wrongheaded protest over the school’s investigation of a sexual assault that resulted in the suspension of 10 Gophers players. In the midst of the mutiny, Claeys tweeted “Have never been more proud of our kids.”

These “kids” were aligning themselves against an alleged victim, misunderstanding completely the concept of due process, proving ignorant of the difference between criminal prosecution and university policy pursuant to federal law, and only relenting when they finally cared enough to ask what the inquest actually concluded. It was a loud and insulting national embarrassment, and the coach paid the price for taking the wrong side.

This almost never happens, and a realist could note correctly that it might not have gone down this way here if Claeys were someone else, or if the team had been 19-0 on his watch instead of 11-8.

Go Gophers!!

Leonard Bernstein follows college football ? Who knew ?

Tried, found guilty and executed on the spot, who needs due process or any semblance of the right way to go about this.:blah:

Wow. Incompetence abounds in the journalistic profession.

Has the boycott and investigation been handled appropriately? Absolutely not, but I like how Coyle is attempting to clean up the issues within the athletic department. Inmates have been running the asylum for far too long with issues surrounding the basketball team, football team, wrestling team, etc. Coyle is displaying the overall leadership this athletic department has been sorely missing. There's a new sheriff in town and if you're a coach who can't control your players with discipline then Coyle is showing that you won't be a coach at this university for long.

It's nice to finally have someone who cares about the reputation of this fine university.

Has the boycott and investigation been handled appropriately? Absolutely not, but I like how Coyle is attempting to clean up the issues within the athletic department. Inmates have been running the asylum for far too long with issues surrounding the basketball team, football team, wrestling team, etc. Coyle is displaying the overall leadership this athletic department has been sorely missing. There's a new sheriff in town and if you're a coach who can't control your players with discipline then Coyle is showing that you won't be a coach at this university for long.

It's nice to finally have someone who cares about the reputation of this fine university.

Well said and I agree 100%.

Wow. Incompetence abounds in the journalistic profession.

Bernstein isn't a journalist, he's a Chicago sports talk radio host who happens to also periodically write a column.

Sure is fun jumping on the band wagon and railroading a good and decent man like Tracy Claeys. That will show all those rapists that the boss isn't Tony's Mark Coyle and his band of petty narcissistic pandering dbag journalists.

So Coyle couldn't have made the same decision weeks before the bowl game? Or immediately after it? I have been impressed with how worthless the AD is when it comes to crisis management, and then I remember he's working for Kaler and completely understand. He talks about the on-field performance and the lack of enthusiasm and ticket sales for the football program all the while extending Lucia's contract amidst the worst stretch of fan apathy and mediocre performance in generations.

I disagree the decision was mostly due to the tweet. I think the axe was going to fall and this was just a convenient excuse. Face it, Claeys is not a power coach and wouldn't ever be. Season tickets are down, recruiting is ranked poorly, fundraising is down. Coyle wants someone who can get some energy into things and that just wasn't Claeys. Fleck is energetic. Hopefully he isn't the second coming of Tim Brewster.

I disagree the decision was mostly due to the tweet. I think the axe was going to fall and this was just a convenient excuse. Face it, Claeys is not a power coach and wouldn't ever be. Season tickets are down, recruiting is ranked poorly, fundraising is down. Coyle wants someone who can get some energy into things and that just wasn't Claeys. Fleck is energetic. Hopefully he isn't the second coming of Tim Brewster.

For me, power coach = wins games. Fleck better win more games than Claeys would or any uptick in coverage will only be temporary.

That said, if this is true (which I'm not disagreeing with you), Mark Coyle is a vile human being. You don't throw someone under the bus, question their integrity, and really bring a person's character into question if you are making a football based move. I wouldn't have liked a football based move, but I'd get it. He wants his guy. If Coyle used this mess to have the political clout to make the move, he's a vile human being.

I disagree the decision was mostly due to the tweet. I think the axe was going to fall and this was just a convenient excuse. Face it, Claeys is not a power coach and wouldn't ever be. Season tickets are down, recruiting is ranked poorly, fundraising is down. Coyle wants someone who can get some energy into things and that just wasn't Claeys.

The more that I've thought about it, the more I've come to this opinion as well. I think 8-4 before the bowl without the controversy and Coyle would have had a difficult time justifying the move. From Coyle's perspective, it was probably a good thing the Gophers didn't beat Wisconsin or he would have had a very difficult time doing it, even with the controversy that ensued.

I think he wanted to do this all along. Problem was that wins were getting in the way with his plan.

For me, power coach = wins games. Fleck better win more games than Claeys would or any uptick in coverage will only be temporary.

That said, if this is true (which I'm not disagreeing with you), Mark Coyle is a vile human being. You don't throw someone under the bus, question their integrity, and really bring a person's character into question if you are making a football based move. I wouldn't have liked a football based move, but I'd get it. He wants his guy. If Coyle used this mess to have the political clout to make the move, he's a vile human being.

Well said.

So Coyle couldn't have made the same decision weeks before the bowl game? Or immediately after it? I have been impressed with how worthless the AD is when it comes to crisis management, and then I remember he's working for Kaler and completely understand. He talks about the on-field performance and the lack of enthusiasm and ticket sales for the football program all the while extending Lucia's contract amidst the worst stretch of fan apathy and mediocre performance in generations.

Why is it so hard for people to understand that the reason Claey's was fired was because of his public support for the player boycott? Had Claeys allowed the Universities process to play out as required he would probably still be coaching the Gophers. So no, that decision couldn't have been made weeks before the bowl game.

Sure is fun jumping on the band wagon and railroading a good and decent man like Tracy Claeys. That will show all those rapists that the boss isn't Tony's Mark Coyle and his band of petty narcissistic pandering dbag journalists.

Tony Danza?

Why is it so hard for people to understand that the reason Claey's was fired was because of his public support for the player boycott? Had Claeys allowed the Universities process to play out as required he would probably still be coaching the Gophers. So no, that decision couldn't have been made weeks before the bowl game.

Watch last nights press conference, pay attention to the non verbals, vocalizations .... Coyle had it in for Claeys.... clearly disrespects him and the staff.... and 9/2/16 gave him his chance to move.

Why is it so hard for people to understand that the reason Claey's was fired was because of his public support for the player boycott? Had Claeys allowed the Universities process to play out as required he would probably still be coaching the Gophers. So no, that decision couldn't have been made weeks before the bowl game.

He also said "immediately after it". He could have made it the night of the tweet (week and a half before the bowl game) or immediately after the bowl game.

If Coyle had any backbone, it would have been done before the bowl game.

I live in the CHicago area. THis guy is essentially Chicago's Reusse. He and his partner are perpetually miserable people that think they fart roses. I used to listed to them on the way home before I just couldn't take it anymore years back. He's not worth paying an ounce of attention to on any subject

Why is it so hard for people to understand that the reason Claey's was fired was because of his public support for the player boycott? Had Claeys allowed the Universities process to play out as required he would probably still be coaching the Gophers. So no, that decision couldn't have been made weeks before the bowl game.


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