CBS: Arkansas professor arrested after yelling profanities at Bret Bielema


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Nov 11, 2008
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per CBS:

It's one thing to have a fan cussing you out from the stands, but it's another to have a co-worker doing it.

An Arkansas fan was arrested on Saturday evening for yelling profanities at coach Bret Bielema from the stands during Arkansas' 49-30 loss to Alabama. The fan reportedly yelled "if I had your record I'd be [expletive] fired. [Expletive] you."

You're smart, you can fill in those blanks.

The fan, Lawton Nalley, was arrested and charged with public intoxication and disorderly conduct after he was escorted from his seat in the stands by University of Arkansas police. Now, this wouldn't seem like that big of a deal if it were just a regular fan, but it's not.

Nalley is a professor at Arkansas. You can find his bio on the school's website, where he's listed as an assistant professor of agricultural economics and agribusiness. It's there we also learn that Nalley received his bachelor's degree from Ohio State, a master's from Mississippi State, and his PhD from Kansas State.

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Go Gophers!!

Stay classy, Arkansas.

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"agricultural economics and agribusiness"

So is that just the study of government subsidies?

In part, yes. But not always in favor. for the record. Google milk support price and world price for sugar, and report back.

Geeze, I'm probably fortunate to not be on death row...

They arrest you in Arkansas for cursing about a football coach?

For cursing about a football coach? No.

For using profanities in a college stadium...that's a paddlin'
For using profanities in a college stadium, as a member of that school's staff? That's another paddlin'
For being taken away for drunk and disorderly, while using profanities at a college stadium, and you're a teacher at that school? Buh-Bye.

I swear a lot. And I mean a lot. But never in a stadium. Be aware of the people around you, FFS.

And if you swear at a game where there are kids around? **** you.

"agricultural economics and agribusiness"

So is that just the study of government subsidies?

In addition to agricultural policy and economic analysis, this field also covers food marketing, farm management, land use and real estate, rural entrepreneurship, food security, and international and community development.

If you would like to know more, you can probably go check out

Wouldn't it be hilarious if Bielema ended up here? I doubt he would want to coach the gophers but it is a funny thing to think about.

Wouldn't it be hilarious if Bielema ended up here? I doubt he would want to coach the gophers but it is a funny thing to think about.

It would be even funnier if he came here and was successful. Coach who trolled the Gophers with Wisconsin, and has an Iowa tattoo, ends our 55+ year Rose Bowl drought.

There'd still be a portion of the fan base mad that he's our coach.

There is always someone who hates coach a or b regardless of how successful they are.

Assistant Professor, presumably pre-tenure, he's probably gone.

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