CBS: Alvarez, Haden expected to be on playoff selection committee


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Nov 11, 2008
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per CBS:

USC AD Pat Haden and Wisconsin counterpart Barry Alvarez are expected to be named members of the College Football Playoff selection committee, has learned.

A source said Haden will be the Pac-12 representative and Alvarez will be the rep from the Big Ten.'s Jeremy Fowler reported Wednesday that West Virginia AD Oliver Luck is expected to be the Big 12 representative.

Go Gophers!!

This is going to backfire big time. Small elites making decisions this crucial for college football will not go down well.

Why can't they just use the BCS rankings? The more people helping to select the four, the better.

I thought your post was a joke but I just realized it wasn't. Very weird.

Why not have a contest to select a fan to the board each year while they are at it?

I would nominate dpodoll.

These are the first 6 to be released. I think the total number is 18. This is no different than the Selection Committee for Basketball. Basketball was 16 now 68? The 4 team idea will expand to probably 8.

I completely question the integrity of the committee if someone like Rice, while clearly an intelligent person and fan of college football, is on the committee. You want people who understand the game entirely. Who don't have other major duties that keep them from being able to watch 80%+ of the games throughout the season. I'm not saying the voters in the BCS system necessarily do that today, but it seems like a more educated, less biased grouping than what has been released so far..

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