Catching up


Nov 21, 2008
Reaction score
It's been a few years...

I get confused with posters that are both on GI and GH. I don't really care whether it's here or there, but I've missed a lot. I enjoy the banter on either site.

Is it possible to get a rundown of the latest? I don't know about the latest arch enemies after RR and the Loon left.

I hope there's some entertainment here. I had a good time with RR in the past. I see there's new mods and I believe there's a functional chat room, which kills Rivals.

Apologies on being the old newbie.

Welcome back sweetloUMN. Rivals/GI doesn't even compare to GH in terms of traffic, members, etc. Days go by on that site without a post.

You'll definitely get the feel around here of some Wren-types. They're coming out of the woodwork lately...

Re: the chat room, it is a thing of beauty; it actually works!

I love the in-game chats. They're great, or they were in the past. Apologies on not being here.

I've seen both go from insane to completely loonatic. Loon is less public but I haven't combed as much recently. I loved those guys for a rouse though!

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