Caption Contest: What are Kill & Bielema talking about together at media day today?


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Nov 11, 2008
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Caption Contest: What are Kill & Bielema talking about together at media day today?

GopherSports tweeted this picture out asking for great caption ideas - I'd love to be a fly on the wall in some of these conversations.

Go Gophers!!

Bielema is telling Kill "Good luck coaching next year in DIII". Same thing he told Brewster at their mid-field handshake.

no caption....but, is it just me, or does looking at Bret's face give anyone else anxiety? even if he was a decent guy, I would just want to punch it. (and I haven't thrown a punch since 4th grade...although I did beat up a 6th grader, so that makes me bad a** for life).

Bielema: I told you we treat Minnesota like in state recruiting
Kill: dude it looks like I could pop your face with a pin, you are so swollen, did you get stung by a bee?

<homervoice>mmmmm, bacon

Kill: Neiman Marcus?
Egbert: No, Egbert
Kill: I mean your shirt?
Egbert: I never give away my shirt…
Kill: Ah, O.K., a little touchy today?
Egbert: No, that is Chadima and I didn’t invite him today.
Kill to himself:gees, he graduates from Iowa and they took him at Wisconsin?

Kill: "The only reason I look up to you is that I am shorter than you."

Hey Bart, . . .

. . . can I get a signed copy of that "Defending the Hail Mary Pass - Theory and Practice" book you wrote?

Bielema: "Dude, I have to tell you, I heard you speak once and it, like, changed my life."

Kill: "Really, what did I say?"

Bielema: "You said 'Now, that's not my daughter, that's my wife!' That s@#! totally inspired me."

Bert: I literally just sharted.

Kill: just went for two in your pants?

Ahh, I lost both my long time coordinators and now we're going to start to suck so I'm trying to make friends, err ah, how do you do that?

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