Can't imagine!


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Sep 9, 2009
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If what happened at happy valley happened here. I think the same sanctions would have had more devastating effects on the U.

I wonder if the talent the PSU grabs in the next few years will be better or worse than MN and IN?

Can't believe there are still Iowa trolls visiting this site. What an irrelevant team/state. Mediocre success, delusional fan base.

I don't know where to put this thought, so I'll stick it here: I want to preface this by saying I am in no way criticizing the punishment laid down by the NCAA for these heinous crimes...they are more than deserved. My only fear is that, by default, this will end up being the harshest punishment the NCAA ever doles out for the foreseeable future. I mean, how can you ever give a program the "Death Penalty" for academic fraud ever again? Child molestation is about as bad as you can get. I just fear the ESPN Conference...sorry, I mean the SEC will get even more brave knowing they will only face a 'slap on the wrist' if they get caught.

I'm not sure what they should have done differently, but I hope the NCAA knows that they just created a ceiling for punishment because buying a recruit's uncle an Escalade, or writing papers for athletes, sure seems trivial now compared to ruining children's lives.

i love hypothetical, irrelevant threads like this. even more so when an idiot iowee hogeye fan has the audacity to stop by and make retarded ass comments about minnesota football when we have handled his lame ass hogeyes on the field the last two seasons.

I googled it and I cannot find anything on the net that displays the death penalty that was handed down to MN football in in 1968. I mean, the death penalty is the reason for the 40 yr drought right? just poking fun.

i love hypothetical, irrelevant threads like this. even more so when an idiot iowee hogeye fan has the audacity to stop by and make retarded ass comments about minnesota football when we have handled his lame ass hogeyes on the field the last two seasons.


I don't know where to put this thought, so I'll stick it here: I want to preface this by saying I am in no way criticizing the punishment laid down by the NCAA for these heinous crimes...they are more than deserved. My only fear is that, by default, this will end up being the harshest punishment the NCAA ever doles out for the foreseeable future. I mean, how can you ever give a program the "Death Penalty" for academic fraud ever again? Child molestation is about as bad as you can get. I just fear the ESPN Conference...sorry, I mean the SEC will get even more brave knowing they will only face a 'slap on the wrist' if they get caught.

I'm not sure what they should have done differently, but I hope the NCAA knows that they just created a ceiling for punishment because buying a recruit's uncle an Escalade, or writing papers for athletes, sure seems trivial now compared to ruining children's lives.

I would wait a few years before I would call this a "slap on the wrist". Most believe it could take 10 years or even longer for Penn St. to get back.

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