Can you hear that?

Ogee Ogilthorpe

Tattooed Millionaire
Nov 20, 2008
Reaction score
Has anybody noticed that a HUGE majority of what most would consider the more established, reasonable and logical posters over the history of the board have been strangely SILENT over the course of the season?

On the one hand, we have dozens of new posters/"fans" on here using all kinds of colorful language about why and when Brew should be fired, how much of an idiot he is, who the new coach should be (these are my personal favorites), and of course, how everything that Brewster does is some kind of personal affront to them.

But for some reason the old guard has been relatively mute on the issue. I'm not going to name names, anybody who has been here for more than a year or two knows who carries weight on the board and who generally has reasonable and logical things to offer.

I'm not suggesting there is any particular reasoning for it. I would imagine that they have (wisely) elected not to engage in some of the pointless banter and discussion with some of our newfound "fans". If that's the case, I applaud them and commend them for having more restraint than I've been able to muster.

So which group do you fall into, let me guess? Maybe it is because alot of these posters drank the Brewster kool-aid by the gallon for 3 plus years and don't want to come and eat their plate of crow( ahlibobwa excluded).


Has anybody noticed that a HUGE majority of what most would consider the more established, reasonable and logical posters over the history of the board have been strangely SILENT over the course of the season?

On the one hand, we have dozens of new posters/"fans" on here using all kinds of colorful language about why and when Brew should be fired, how much of an idiot he is, who the new coach should be (these are my personal favorites), and of course, how everything that Brewster does is some kind of personal affront to them.

But for some reason the old guard has been relatively mute on the issue. I'm not going to name names, anybody who has been here for more than a year or two knows who carries weight on the board and who generally has reasonable and logical things to offer.

I'm not suggesting there is any particular reasoning for it. I would imagine that they have (wisely) elected not to engage in some of the pointless banter and discussion with some of our newfound "fans". If that's the case, I applaud them and commend them for having more restraint than I've been able to muster.


Every time someone says "Brewster should shut up and coach", I'm going to take a drink.
It's been nice knowing you.

So which group do you fall into? Maybe it is because alot of these posters drank the Brewster kool-aid by the gallon for 3 plus years and don't want to come and eat their plate of crow( ahlibobwa excluded).

I know for me, the reason I'm on here less is because the level of stupid is way up. We're getting the same threads (are the Vikes to blame, FIRE BREW NOW, Dungy's Giant Pumpkin will solve world hunger and win us a B10 title, etc) and the logic in many of them is going way down. I find few threads worth clicking on and am basically responding to only the most egregiously silly posts because eventually you just have to put some logic back into a thread (white helmets suck b/c taxpayer money got used on them? C'mon!).

Your theory on "kool-aid drinkers" might have some merit I suppose, but there are plenty of non-Brew supporting and neutral/logical board regulars who are nowhere to be seen.

Face it, in the years coaches get fired boards like these take a turn and the things you come to the board for (discussion and links to good info) dry up. That's the biggest reason people are lurking or ignoring the board completely.

Once Brew is let go we'll have something to talk about again. Until then we'll all have to suffer through a higher dose of rumors, trolls, and stupid.

Tipsey, Lloyd and the Hungry Sailor fall into the still drunk group. I like this group.

I wish I had the power to declare who is a fan, and who is just a "fan". Get over yourself.

And remember, when faced with epic levels of stupid you should never be afraid to break out this:


On the one hand, we have dozens of new posters/"fans" on here using all kinds of colorful language about why and when Brew should be fired, how much of an idiot he is, who the new coach should be (these are my personal favorites), and of course, how everything that Brewster does is some kind of personal affront to them.
Please forgive me for my sin of just recently joining this message board. I will say 10 Hail Minns for each of my posts.

If there are any more Dungy threads for me to ignore, I am not going to be pleased. I don't want another one of those or other sh!tty coaching candidate suggestions until the current coach is fired... Please, it just clogs the board. READ TOPICS BEFORE YOU MAKE ANOTHER ONE!

Let's see...

So which group do you fall into, let me guess? Maybe it is because alot of these posters drank the Brewster kool-aid by the gallon for 3 plus years and don't want to come and eat their plate of crow( ahlibobwa excluded).

Was that rhetorical? Ummmmm... I think I would say that because I HAVE actually posted that perhaps I'm not including myself there? Did you really just ask that question? You literally responded to a post of mine to ask if I considered myself among a group of posters who have been silent?

Lighten up, Francis.

I simply made an observation that I happened to notice that a fair amount of posters who most would agree usually have something to offer have been relatively silent. Try not to read too much into it.

The quickness at which at which some folks got so defensive is kind of telling though....

I know for me, the reason I'm on here less is because the level of stupid is way up. We're getting the same threads (are the Vikes to blame, FIRE BREW NOW, Dungy's Giant Pumpkin will solve world hunger and win us a B10 title, etc) and the logic in many of them is going way down. I find few threads worth clicking on and am basically responding to only the most egregiously silly posts because eventually you just have to put some logic back into a thread (white helmets suck b/c taxpayer money got used on them? C'mon!).

Your theory on "kool-aid drinkers" might have some merit I suppose, but there are plenty of non-Brew supporting and neutral/logical board regulars who are nowhere to be seen.

Face it, in the years coaches get fired boards like these take a turn and the things you come to the board for (discussion and links to good info) dry up. That's the biggest reason people are lurking or ignoring the board completely.

Once Brew is let go we'll have something to talk about again. Until then we'll all have to suffer through a higher dose of rumors, trolls, and stupid.

All good points. No doubt, when things are going south, the mood just plain isn't going to be good. That is to be expected.

I must say, I didn't think a casual observation was going to cite such rage and defensiveness. Ouch.

Was that rhetorical? Ummmmm... I think I would say that because I HAVE actually posted that perhaps I'm not including myself there? Did you really just ask that question? You literally responded to a post of mine to ask if I considered myself among a group of posters who have been silent?

Lighten up, Francis.

I simply made an observation that I happened to notice that a fair amount of posters who most
would agree usually have something to offer have been relatively silent. Try not to read too much into it.
The quickness at which at which some folks got so defensive is kind of telling though....

I wasn't talking about your being silent or not. You were implying you were one of these old guard reasonable and logical posters in comparison to many other posters, the only difference being you couldn't keep quiet.

Has anybody noticed that a HUGE majority of what most would consider the more established, reasonable and logical posters over the history of the board have been strangely SILENT over the course of the season?

On the one hand, we have dozens of new posters/"fans" on here using all kinds of colorful language about why and when Brew should be fired, how much of an idiot he is, who the new coach should be (these are my personal favorites), and of course, how everything that Brewster does is some kind of personal affront to them.

But for some reason the old guard has been relatively mute on the issue. I'm not going to name names, anybody who has been here for more than a year or two knows who carries weight on the board and who generally has reasonable and logical things to offer.

I'm not suggesting there is any particular reasoning for it. I would imagine that they have (wisely) elected not to engage in some of the pointless banter and discussion with some of our newfound "fans". If that's the case, I applaud them and commend them for having more restraint than I've been able to muster.

Maybe it's more simple then that. If you don't want to see Minnesota lose where's the fun in talking about a 1-5 team?

-They've haven't won since the first week of the season.
-The D-Line is bad, worse then a lot of us thought it would be.
- The Offense can't establish a dominate running game but that doesn't stop them from trying and failing again and again and again.
- Brewster is gone and the probably won't sign a new coach until after the season, and that's seven long weeks of endless speculation away.
-Guys like G.G. might be enjoying all this stuff immensely. Cosgrove's Defense getting destroyed is far more satisfying to the old Cornhusker fan, then any Gopher loss is bothersome. Same thing for a lot of the Masonites. If you're not one of those guys what's the point?

I wish I had the power to declare who is a fan, and who is just a "fan". Get over yourself.


I only found these boards over the past few months while surfing the web because I had to move to Nebraska for work and wanted to talk more Gopher football because no one down here cares haha.

I wasn't talking about your being silent or not. You were implying you were one of these old guard reasonable and logical posters in comparison to many other posters, the only difference being you couldn't keep quiet.

My most humble apologies for your instantaneous interpretation of any implications that you perceived me to be making, valid or otherwise.

In all seriousness, never considered myself to be old guard, wise, reasonable, logical, or even sage. Again, just making an observation with an attempt at humor injected. Apparently you chose to interpret it differently.

Damn, the mood really is sour in here, isn't it?

Decreased enthusiasm is probably keeping people from posting, not much fun in it. But then there's people screaming as if the posters here were responsible for hiring or retaining Brewster. I just hope that when we have a new coach, both Brewster's opponents and supporters can get over themselves.

The quickness at which at which some folks got so defensive is kind of telling though....

Well, when you use the scare quotes around "fans," people are going to take that the wrong way. Were you not implying that we should question their commitment to the program since they just recently joined and are negative about Brewster and the direction we're headed in? That's the way I read it.

There is a lot of chaff amongst the new membership, but that's just going to happen on an anonymous message board. There has been and always will be a fair representation of trolls on this site. There's a lot of wheat, though, too. Frankly, if a fan of the program who has been lurking here for awhile wants to register and share their voice that something needs to be done to fix this team, then I say welcome aboard. New to this site need not mean new to Gopher Nation.

Maybe it's more simple then that. If you don't want to see Minnesota lose where's the fun in talking about a 1-5 team?

-They've haven't won since the first week of the season.
-The D-Line is bad, worse then a lot of us thought it would be.
- The Offense can't establish a dominate running game but that doesn't stop them from trying and failing again and again and again.
- Brewster is gone and the probably won't sign a new coach until after the season, and that's seven long weeks of endless speculation away.
-Guys like G.G. might be enjoying all this stuff immensely. Cosgrove's Defense getting destroyed is far more satisfying to the old Cornhusker fan, then any Gopher loss is bothersome. Same thing for a lot of the Masonites. If you're not one of those guys what's the point?[/

Oh the classic Masonite line. Trust me every Nebraska fan I know wanted Cosgrove to be coaching here next year so they are getting no enjoyment in seeing him fail before they got a chance to play against him. I am definitely not enjoying watching this team lose all the time.

my reply was meant to be kind of funny, not defensive.

No problem, L_A_G. I've been here for five years and at least three dead-coach-walking exchanges (Monson x2 and Mason), and I don't say much when things are really ugly.

In other news, the bankrolls for the GH PS Pick Game are going swimmingly. :clap:

Well, when you use the scare quotes around "fans," people are going to take that the wrong way. Were you not implying that we should question their commitment to the program since they just recently joined and are negative about Brewster and the direction we're headed in? That's the way I read it.

There is a lot of chaff amongst the new membership, but that's just going to happen on an anonymous message board. There has been and always will be a fair representation of trolls on this site. There's a lot of wheat, though, too. Frankly, if a fan of the program who has been lurking here for awhile wants to register and share their voice that something needs to be done to fix this team, then I say welcome aboard. New to this site need not mean new to Gopher Nation.

I wholeheartedly agree, for the most part, the more the merrier. It's been nice seeing the numbers up around 500, 600, and higher. It's nice to see people care.

My comments about the new posters/"fans" (and yes, I'm sure many are trolls) is that the recent posts that are the most venomous, hate-filled, grammar and spelling challenged, and filled with name-calling have almost exclusively been from new posters. Just an observation, along with the observation about certain posters being AWOL lately.

As it's been said, plenty of explanations, most notably, it's just not that fun right now.

OH! And L_A_G, I did take your initial post as funny... just trying to figure out the Kelly Campbell reference in your signature? I'm puzzled.

Trust me every Nebraska fan I know wanted Cosgrove to be coaching here next year so they are getting no enjoyment in seeing him fail before they got a chance to play against him. I am definitely not enjoying watching this team lose all the time.

Honestly G.G. while I believe you when you say that you don't enjoy watching the Gophers lose "all the time" after reading the rants about Cosgrove from you and the Nebraska fans that flooded both boards after Cosgrove got the job I don't believe for a second that you're getting 'no enjoyment" watching his Defense get hammered week after week.

That' bull^%$$%t on a VERY high scale.

OH! And L_A_G, I did take your initial post as funny... just trying to figure out the Kelly Campbell reference in your signature? I'm puzzled.

I have no confirmation if these shows still exist, but from 11:00am - 12:00pm I believe there used to be two 1/2 hour Viking focused shows on Channel 5. One of the shows was more cheesy and involved players sometimes getting hold of the camera. On one of those episodes of this supposed show that I am at fault for not remembering more clearly Kelly Campbell would control the camera, and after showing something he would cut to himself and say "It is what it is."

I considered multiple KFAN related quotes but thought this was a little further off the deep end and thus more humorous to me.

I wish I had the power to declare who is a fan, and who is just a "fan". Get over yourself.

right on fej this guy is probably the same one that had that "fan" kicked out for standing up in front of his sorry ass

I don't know where I qualify as a "seasoned" poster here.

I like to think I'm fairly level-headed - highs aren't too high and lows aren't too low. I've been posting on here since 2004 or so. I've "only" been a season ticket holder since 1999, as my wife and I lived out of state prior to then. Okay, so now that I've established my cred (or lack thereof), here is why I have been posting less...
  • Same topics being rehashed over and over and over.
  • Many posters seem fairly myopic and focused on what happened within the previous week and what they think will/should happen in the upcoming week - not much vision beyond that.
  • Many posters don't seem interested in ways that they can improve the situation.
  • Percentage of trolls and morons has increased substantially in the past 5 weeks.
I was against hiring Brewster from the start, but I knew that once he was hired, he would be here for at least 5 years (that was my thinking up until USD) so I may as well be supportive of him during that time. I like Brewster as a human being and I think he is doing his best. Unfortunately, his best just is not up to FBS-AQ standards. He needs to go. The timing? I don't know - that's the million dollar question. I want what will be in the best LONG TERM interest of this program. Not just what will make us feel better tomorrow. If Maturi could hit a home run with this hire, then I say do it this November/December and let the next AD come into a good situation. But just hiring a safe hire who will never get us to Pasadena just for the sake of getting rid of Brew won't help anything. I would rather see the next Prez/AD get "their guy" after the 2011 season than to perpetuate this 4/5 year tenure stuff with coordinators lasting 1 or 2 years.

I don't really see any benefit to firing Brewster until November 8 at the earliest. So, we're all in holding pattern until then. That's not a lot to get all internetty about. So, that's why my participation here has waned.

Nailed it

I don't know where I qualify as a "seasoned" poster here.

I like to think I'm fairly level-headed - highs aren't too high and lows aren't too low. I've been posting on here since 2004 or so. I've "only" been a season ticket holder since 1999, as my wife and I lived out of state prior to then. Okay, so now that I've established my cred (or lack thereof), here is why I have been posting less...
  • Same topics being rehashed over and over and over.
  • Many posters seem fairly myopic and focused on what happened within the previous week and what they think will/should happen in the upcoming week - not much vision beyond that.
  • Many posters don't seem interested in ways that they can improve the situation.
  • Percentage of trolls and morons has increased substantially in the past 5 weeks.
I was against hiring Brewster from the start, but I knew that once he was hired, he would be here for at least 5 years (that was my thinking up until USD) so I may as well be supportive of him during that time. I like Brewster as a human being and I think he is doing his best. Unfortunately, his best just is not up to FBS-AQ standards. He needs to go. The timing? I don't know - that's the million dollar question. I want what will be in the best LONG TERM interest of this program. Not just what will make us feel better tomorrow. If Maturi could hit a home run with this hire, then I say do it this November/December and let the next AD come into a good situation. But just hiring a safe hire who will never get us to Pasadena just for the sake of getting rid of Brew won't help anything. I would rather see the next Prez/AD get "their guy" after the 2011 season than to perpetuate this 4/5 year tenure stuff with coordinators lasting 1 or 2 years.

I don't really see any benefit to firing Brewster until November 8 at the earliest. So, we're all in holding pattern until then. That's not a lot to get all internetty about. So, that's why my participation here has waned.

Way to sum it up, GGR. Couldn't say it much better myself. In the words of Mel Brooks, I give that a HARUMPH!!!

Trust me every Nebraska fan I know wanted Cosgrove to be coaching here next year so they are getting no enjoyment in seeing him fail before they got a chance to play against him. I am definitely not enjoying watching this team lose all the time.

Honestly G.G. while I believe you when you say that you don't enjoy watching the Gophers lose "all the time" after reading the rants about Cosgrove from you and the Nebraska fans that flooded both boards after Cosgrove got the job I don't believe for a second that you're getting 'no enjoyment" watching his Defense get hammered week after week.

That' bull^%$$%t on a VERY high scale.

Did I rant when Cosgrove was hired, definitely because I suspected he would be a failure here and it looks like I was right. Do I get enjoyment out of seeing him aid in the destruction of Minnesota, no. In regards to the Nebraska fans that flooded the boards when Cosgrove was hired it was primarily to warn Minnesota of the impeding doom. Most of the fans there that I know have no ill will towards the Minnesota program at all. Did they want to play against Cosgrove and destroy him, largely yes. It looks like they will not get that opportunity however unless they start playing Madison area high schools in the near future. Will I be glad when Cosgrove is done, yes. The reasoning being that the university will be hard pressed to find a worse replacement. I am not happy however that the program had to be severely damaged before it was realized by many how bad he was.

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