Can you buy an extra pass for tailgating lot?


This guy gets it!
Oct 19, 2009
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If you currently have one spot in one of the tailgating lots, are you allowed to buy an extra space?

Not totally sure, but I thought you could. But if it is in a donation lot my understanding was that you had to come up with another donation.

Maroon said:
If you currently have one spot in one of the tailgating lots, are you allowed to buy an extra space?

It depends on how many tickets you have and how much you donate. For example I have four tickets that require a $500 donation and I park in a lot that requires a $1,000 donation. I am not eligible for a second spot despite giving double the required amount because I only have four tickets. If I transferred two of my tickets to a parent, spouse, or child I could buy two spots because it would be two parties each meeting he $1,000 threshold. Or if I kept the seats in my name and added two non donation seats in the end zone I could buy two spots because I give twice the required donation and have more than four tickets.

Think of it as one spot per (up to) four tickets per donation threshold met.

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