Can we use Rocky Top again?


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Nov 20, 2008
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When the Gophers beat Alabama in the Music City Bowl, the Crimson Tide fans got ticked off when the Gopher band played Rocky Top.
Can we pull that old trick out of the hat again in 2010? If Minnesota scores an early touchdown against USC, have the band play Rocky Top again. We'll be the delight of Tennessee fans again!

When the Gophers beat Alabama in the Music City Bowl, the Crimson Tide fans got ticked off when the Gopher band played Rocky Top.
Can we pull that old trick out of the hat again in 2010? If Minnesota scores an early touchdown against USC, have the band play Rocky Top again. We'll be the delight of Tennessee fans again!

+1, GREAT idea

When the Gophers beat Alabama in the Music City Bowl, the Crimson Tide fans got ticked off when the Gopher band played Rocky Top.
Can we pull that old trick out of the hat again in 2010? If Minnesota scores an early touchdown against USC, have the band play Rocky Top again. We'll be the delight of Tennessee fans again!

Anyone remember when we beat Alabama? Wow.

I had never seen as many middle fingers at once as I did that day.

I had never seen as many middle fingers at once as I did that day.

I was too busy standing on my seat clapping and singing the words to "Rocky Top" to notice how many middle fingers Bama fans were giving us. Man, it felt GREAT to beat those guys in front of 60,000 of their fans.

As for the USC game, I'm all for anything that will drown out the incessant playing of "Tribute to Troy." Seriously, other than "Fight On," the Trojan band doesn't know how to play anything else. We will hear it at least 50 times.

Great call on Rocky Top. That'll be hilarious, even though most of the Trojan players won't get the joke. I hope they get probation. I sit close enough to taunt the opposing team and I fully intend on doing so, no matter what the score.

How about we play football and try to win rather than play misfit and just try to piss them off?

They bring their band everywhere they go, so I don't see why we'd be different.

Is USC bringing their band?

They will bring a small contingent of seniors...about 50 total.

If they play Tribute to Troy 50 times, there's a good chance they will be smoking the gophs. they play that tune for every "positive defensive play". opposing fans/teams hate it, and the SC defensive players LOVE gives them strength.

for the gopher fans that travel out to LA in two years, you'll get a good sense of Spirit of Troy band. I think they're great, but obviously I'm biased. Easily the best percussion section amongst collegiate bands.

They bring their band everywhere they go, so I don't see why we'd be different.

full band travels only to Notre Dame and the main PacX rivals (Cal, Stanford, UCLA)
All other games they just send the "travelling band" of seniors. not nearly the volume, but enough to be annoying.

Just doing my part

How about we play football and try to win rather than play misfit and just try to piss them off?

I don't think the U of M would be interested in me as my 40 time 5.6 (hand timed) stinks. So, while I hope our Gophers win the game, I'll play the misfit. :D

They will bring a small contingent of seniors...about 50 total.

for the gopher fans that travel out to LA in two years, you'll get a good sense of Spirit of Troy band. I think they're great, but obviously I'm biased. Easily the best percussion section amongst collegiate bands.

From somebody who knows something about collegiate bands, USC isn't even the best collegiate band in LA. They are not quite as good as Iowa's band, which would put them at 12th best in the Big Ten.

Their percussion section is nothing special, and most of their guys wouln't make the Minnesota Marching Band drumline (or that of Illinois, Michigan St, Penn St, Ohio St, etc).

From somebody who knows something about collegiate bands, USC isn't even the best collegiate band in LA. They are not quite as good as Iowa's band, which would put them at 12th best in the Big Ten.

Their percussion section is nothing special, and most of their guys wouln't make the Minnesota Marching Band drumline (or that of Illinois, Michigan St, Penn St, Ohio St, etc).

You're citing the Ruin band as superior to the TMB?
well, there goes your credibility. i suppose if an army of xylaphones and clarinets gets you nice and jacked up on gameday...well then, they must be your cup of tea.

i am clearly biased, and music is obviously very subjective, but you my friend are full of crap. Not quite as good as iowa's band eh? interesting...has anyone even heard iowa's band?

From somebody who knows something about collegiate bands, USC isn't even the best collegiate band in LA. They are not quite as good as Iowa's band, which would put them at 12th best in the Big Ten.

Their percussion section is nothing special, and most of their guys wouln't make the Minnesota Marching Band drumline (or that of Illinois, Michigan St, Penn St, Ohio St, etc).


Play Tusk!

Sorry Wolfman, I just don't like the sloppy NTACs from SC that only know two songs. The way they act, you'd think THEY were the ones winning the football games, not just a bunch of fat *&^!#*&^!#*&^!#*&^!#*&^!#*&^!#s who dance at halftime.

BetterDeadThanRed: You're welcome.

band arguments are sooooo compelling.

They will bring a small contingent of seniors...about 50 total.

If they play Tribute to Troy 50 times, there's a good chance they will be smoking the gophs. they play that tune for every "positive defensive play". opposing fans/teams hate it, and the SC defensive players LOVE gives them strength.

for the gopher fans that travel out to LA in two years, you'll get a good sense of Spirit of Troy band. I think they're great, but obviously I'm biased. Easily the best percussion section amongst collegiate bands.

Wow. Is this traveling band thing something more PAC 10-ish? Cal had band people with them. I wasn't in the marching band (Wind Ensemble and Orch.), but I did go to some of their parties, so I am aware of the rivalries between bands (and admirations too).

You're citing the Ruin band as superior to the TMB?
well, there goes your credibility. i suppose if an army of xylaphones and clarinets gets you nice and jacked up on gameday...well then, they must be your cup of tea.

i am clearly biased, and music is obviously very subjective, but you my friend are full of crap. Not quite as good as iowa's band eh? interesting...has anyone even heard iowa's band?

I'll see you the TMB and raise you, Grambling's, Southern's, FAMU's........... Overall band is one thing, but they are not even close when it comes to percussion/ drumlines.

I'll see you the TMB and raise you, Grambling's, Southern's, FAMU's........... Overall band is one thing, but they are not even close when it comes to percussion/ drumlines.

yeah, you got me there. i knew someone would play that card.

i just really enjoy the TMBs march cadence, it gives me the chills.
i think there is a youtube of it...SC Drumline front of Heritage Hall.

Cal Band, a tOSU knock-off, also does a great show...really good pregame w/ the running tubas, etc.

to the question above...yes, many of the pac10 schools do the smaller travelling band deal (asu, uofa, udub, sc, cal, stanfraud, and the ducks).

I was too busy standing on my seat clapping and singing the words to "Rocky Top" to notice how many middle fingers Bama fans were giving us. Man, it felt GREAT to beat those guys in front of 60,000 of their fans.

Love it! Glad to know I wasn't the only one :) Man that was a glorious day!

Ah, yes, Rocky Top. The Alabama fans thought that we played it to smack them, which struck me as rather conceited. We play our own songs for that! If an opponent had played "On Wisconsin" after beating us, we would have probably scratched our heads and wondered if they got lost or something.

That the Tennessee-Alabama game really isn't all that high on the consciousness of people up in Minnesota seemed to be be inconcievable.

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