Can we start the week over?


Active member
Jan 7, 2009
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The discussion thread on Kevin Whaley and Doogie is leaving me to seriously question my reading of this board. I guess I just need to be more selective of the topics being discussed. People are getting way too emotional, and the responses being posted are really disappointing to see, particularly from many folks for whom I appreciate and respect their opinions. It's just not fun to read.

The bottom line for me is that I'm not happy about this crap being in the paper; not for the paper covering the story, but because the incidents even took place. I understand there is always a possibility of instances such as this taking place and being reported on when 100+ 18-23 year old college students are under the microscope, and it's unfair for us to think they all are going to be 4.0 students, community service participants, and just great kids overall. On the flip side, it's certainly not fair to think they all are going to be clowns, getting into fights (whether they started them or not), etc, etc.

I've been looking forward to this weekend's game for so long and this story, the suspensions, etc, etc. all just put a bit of a damper on it for me. Whether these incidents (Whaley, Tinsley, and whatever McKinley and Dandridge were involved with) were momentary lapses in judgement, or were in fact representative of common practices by these kids, I'm still going to be rooting like crazy for the Gophers who are on the field Saturday, working their butts off to beat one of the two teams I love to beat more than any others.

And for those Gophers who aren't, shame on them. I hope they can stand up and take responsibility for their actions and accept being held accountable, hopefully to the appropriate degree (not too much, not too little).

I'm all for rebooting the week so lon as Schnoodler is allowed to replicate his new single minded focus on Badger suckitude.

The discussion thread on Kevin Whaley and Doogie is leaving me to seriously question my reading of this board. I guess I just need to be more selective of the topics being discussed. People are getting way too emotional, and the responses being posted are really disappointing to see, particularly from many folks for whom I appreciate and respect their opinions. It's just not fun to read.

Agreed. I'm fairly new to this board and have been very disappointed in how quickly threads degrade into name calling and personal attacks. One thing I've learned very quickly - let the "ignore user" function be your friend. It appears to me that me that most of the swearing/name calling/general childishness comes from just a few usernames.

Let's stay classy San Diego!!!

I'm all for rebooting the week so lon as Schnoodler is allowed to replicate his new single minded focus on Badger suckitude.

I agree because Schnoodler is funny. There's a difference between funny/sarcastic and sad/bitter. ;)

I agree with TCF...Some people are so sensitive. The Trib, Doogie, KFAN etc...all have a job to do. Some of the Gophers players obviously screwed up this week and like it or not it is the Media's job to report it. Some on here think it's a conspiracy or something against Gophers Sports and although there is a lot of negative coverage sometimes (Reusse) we have to take the good with the bad.

Frankly, I don't think KFAN is THAT bad, it's better than the alternative--no sports radio. I also liked Doogie on KFAN and welcome his thoughts on here, some of you who personally attack him need to grow up and get a life. HE'S DOING HIS JOB!!! Whether you like it or not is up to you, but personal attacks are out of line in my opinion. Lighten up, agree to disagree, but it's no fun reading about our beloved Gophers on here with all of this negativity and whining. It's Badger week for Chr@#%#t's Sake, enjoy it boys! Tailgating starts in under 48 hours!

We're missing the Schnoodler stamp of approval in this post.

No!!!! If we started the week over I'd have to wait longer for the game. :) And the Anchorman quote thread was classy so...

I read somewhere their Badger women's periods attract bears. Bears can smell the menstruation.
Well, that's just great. You hear that, Ed? Bears. Now you're putting the whole stadium in jeopardy.

Agreed. I'm with you.

This Doogie thing (his articles) I was looking forward to....but the dirt dive and publiczing old information is brutal.

I'm in TX so I hope this is just a storm on this board and not in the general awareness of the Mn and midwest population.


TCF, you're so wise. You're like a miniature Buddha, covered in hair.

View from the East: Some principles all mercenary local media use effectively: (1) bad news sells; (2) bad news and negativity gets a great deal of attention; (3) for some exploiters/agitators, the more bad news and controversy the better; (4) facts are difficult to sort out and generally only emerge fairly in a court of law. These principles seem to be in play in every area of this great country I have been privileged to live.

Some seem to be greatly alarmed that the U's chosen student-athlete-warriors have gone occasionally off the usual "Minnesota Nice", "let's all get along", "no confrontation allowed here" plan for a placid, civil, Nordic-centric society. Unfortunately for the "Minnesota Nice" policy of behavioral containment, the qualities desired in an aggressive SAW sometimes leak outside the boundaries of the "Minnesota Nice" box and cause considerable controversy and difficulties for both the SAW and those that supervise their U activities. All that risk comes with the territory of assembling a large group of SAWs to confront another group of out-of-state, aggressive SAWs in an emotional, very violent, organized game of mayhem called collegiate football.

Has the Minny state as a whole embraced the idea of assembling this large group of D1 SAWs? Obviously it has given the construction of a first-class, state-of-the-art stadium now the envy of every lesser program in the country and a proud and prominent feature of the prestigious U campus. Using a very substantial budget, very capable leaders of this D1 program have been given marching orders by their Administration to recruit the most talented SAWs available both in-state as a very high priority and across this great land consistent with NCCA rules and processes. This effort is bearing considerable fruit for the U, all its athletic programs as the result of a sold-out 50K stadium and the state as a whole as Minny gets increasing national TV attention for not just U football, but the Twin Cities and beyond as a business center, cultural mecca in the Upper-MW and very attractive quality-of-life location to get a top-notch education and raise a family.

Now the U and Minny in general are dealing with the reality that realizing all these benefits of having a large group of talented SAWs competing at a very high level on the national stage does present some challenging issues for the U Administration, coaching leaders and the civil authorities who supervise these SAWs and who may come in contact with them during their four years or more on campus. As other high-level programs have experienced, the whole process is not without snafus on a periodic basis despite the best effort of the adults in charge to minimize collateral damage within the community. Overall, it will probably take the Minny populace many years of operating on the "big stage" to realize that from a pragmatic point of view, the ideal of "Minnesota Nice" programmed behavioral perfection cannot be achieved on the high-level stage of Top-20 collegiate football, but that with a great deal of hard work by the adults supervising the SAWs, the process can managed successfully and lead to some very big longer-term benefits to the state as a whole as referred to above.

As to the current SAW turmoil on your local scene, not knowing if the GH facts are accurate or not, I'm not local and not in a position to have a specific opinion one way or another. I'm certainly not going to be giving any advice to local posters about how they should be feeling about recent events. From my distant perspective, my take is that since the issues do not seem to be in the courts, if I was local...I would probably defer to the professionals in charge at the U for evaluating the facts as they can be documented accurately and hold them accountable for following a responsible, fair course of action taking into account all the interest of the SAW, U and community at large. After all, the supervising adults have their careers and reputations at stake in this litiguous society just as much as their chosen SAWs have their futures on the line.

I do appreciate all the kind words and if I actually had a heart I'd probably get all misty eyed.

But while I'm disappointed at the Whaley thing, I'm enjoying it all quite a bit. Not only do I get to inform the masses that the Badgers do indeed suck. I get to continue on my personal mission of calling out the local media for their ineptitude and lack of personal integrity. It's alot of fun for me as I've never had so much material to work with. Dissapointed on the Doogie thing though, but not everything is perfect. For me these things are an opportunity to do the right thing. If we do that we get stronger, not weaker. Which is why the strib is failing and the gopher program is on the rise.

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