Can I be a gopherfan AND dislike Brewster? serious.


Feb 10, 2009
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Ok. So Im sending in my 2008 MINNESOTA tax returns the other day.

It got me to thinking.

I grew up a gopher fan, I attended games at Memorial and then Metrodome.

I watched Rickey Foggie beat Sconi land. I remember the punt debacle that lost the sconi game a few years back.

I have been a gopher fan growing up.

But the distaste for mediocrity with GLEN MASON and his smugness, combined with Punky Brewster's attitude drove me to devote 85% of my college fball fanaticism to NDSU. (15% staying with the gophers of course)

SOOOO. CAN I BE A GOPHER FAN and DISLIKE BREWSTER??? how many of us are out here??

I am dead serious, this isn't BAIT, this is a sincere and open question that i'd like debated.

Thank you.

Lakesbison Minnesota resident for 30 years.

Okay, I'll bite as though this is serious:

Nothing wrong with "disliking" Brewster. The problem lies with people who nitpick EVERY single thing he does like he has to be some perfect coach who has no faults and ignore anything positive he's done for the program, which is A LOT, whether you like it or not. I haven't heard Minnesota's name mentioned in the national scope so much since the '03 collapse against Michigan. Almost everyone outside of some Gopher fans and local media seem to see this program as one of the rise, yet, some people find the petty reasons to complain. "Brew talks to much" (probably true lol), "Brew recruits thugs" (not even true), "Brew is a terrible coach, he can't even win 4 Big Ten games" (only two years on the job and he was supposed to win 7 BT games....give me a break), "He's just plain annoying" (So what, if recruits like him, which almost all of them do, I could care less). Just so much complaining when this program is in the best position it has been in at least six years, and you could argue longer than that. Whether you like the man or not, he's done some good things so far, and for those who like to throw out the fact that he's 8-17, it's been two freakin years. I mean honestly, I wasn't expecting brilliance, I expected a guy to come in, give the program some life, get some talent here, and eventually get us to some quality bowl games and hopefully a Big Ten title. He's done the first two as far as I'm concerned, now I just await the wins to start flowing in as the talent keeps getting better and better. If that doesn't happen, I'll be the first, okay, maybe the second to say it's time to move on and get another guy in here to coach up this talent that has been brought in.

whats not to like?

There are only about 4 college coaches I would rather have as a coach than Brewster. He is exactly the kind of coach that can turn a program into a national power. We will be vastly more talented than the rest of the Big Ten in 3 more seasons.

LakeBison, this is a questions that only you can answer, my friend...

Look in the mirror, you'll find your answer there.

Many of the people who seem to dislike Brew formed their opinion from very few soundbites on the radio/TV or base it on the opinions/comments of perpetually unhappy hacks like Reusse and Barriero. Personally I like the guy. I am by no means a high roller among the alumni but I've attended several football functions outside of games. Everytime I've had an opportunity to speak with Brew he seems to be very genuine and interested in what I have to say. This also extends to having a really funny discussion with my 5 year old son at the last family fun day (or whatever they call it). Think what you like about Coach Brew but in our house we couldn't think of a better guy to coach Gopher football.

ok Thanks.

maybe its the last 5 years with Mason and Brewster acting kinda smug that scares off most minnesotan's.

Granted there has been improvement last year, I think alot of people are in the wait and see mode.

obviously im a little tainted with brewsters take on NDSU. but you know what, I have alot of gopher friends (believe it !!!) that didn't like what he did.

But it's obviously going to be a fun year with the new stadium!! my bro's got season tickets, so I'll be there!!

Ok. So Im sending in my 2008 MINNESOTA tax returns the other day.

It got me to thinking.

I grew up a gopher fan, I attended games at Memorial and then Metrodome.

I watched Rickey Foggie beat Sconi land. I remember the punt debacle that lost the sconi game a few years back.

I have been a gopher fan growing up.

But the distaste for mediocrity with GLEN MASON and his smugness, combined with Punky Brewster's attitude drove me to devote 85% of my college fball fanaticism to NDSU. (15% staying with the gophers of course)

SOOOO. CAN I BE A GOPHER FAN and DISLIKE BREWSTER??? how many of us are out here??

I am dead serious, this isn't BAIT, this is a sincere and open question that i'd like debated.

Thank you.

Lakesbison Minnesota resident for 30 years.

personality clashes occur all the time. for example we have some great employees that have personalities that drive me nuts. doesnt make them any the less of an asset to the company.

can i dislike someone because they feel the need to use the worn out phrase "punky brewster?"
seriously? at least be original. no need to copy the badger internet forums, or the fargo forum.

also seriously, i suspect the reason you may not like brewster's attitude it that it is ingrained in us up here to dislike outspoken, aggressive and positive people. but we can get away with outspoken and aggressive, as long as we are negative. flipping blows my mind all the people that function that way in MN, including my parents. god forbid someone be outspoken, confident and positive.


Yes you can! Me and most of my extended family are season ticket holding Gopher fans and most of us don't like anything about the guy. We were fans before he arrived and will be fans long after he packs his carpet bag and leaves town on a slow train.

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ see.. that's what I was wondering.

Im glad Im not alone.

Gophers will be 7-4 this year. I believe. KILL THE RABBITS!

Ok. So Im sending in my 2008 MINNESOTA tax returns the other day.

It got me to thinking.

I grew up a gopher fan, I attended games at Memorial and then Metrodome.

I watched Rickey Foggie beat Sconi land. I remember the punt debacle that lost the sconi game a few years back.

I have been a gopher fan growing up.

But the distaste for mediocrity with GLEN MASON and his smugness, combined with Punky Brewster's attitude drove me to devote 85% of my college fball fanaticism to NDSU. (15% staying with the gophers of course)

SOOOO. CAN I BE A GOPHER FAN and DISLIKE BREWSTER??? how many of us are out here??

I am dead serious, this isn't BAIT, this is a sincere and open question that i'd like debated.

Thank you.

Lakesbison Minnesota resident for 30 years.

Some can. You can't because, quite simply, you are not a Gopher fan. Everything you post over here is some kind of shot at the Gophers, whether it be Tubby Smith, Tim Brewster or anything else Gopher related.

So no, you can't be. You have shown nothing but disdain for the Gopher athletics as it relates to NDSU on these boards and even gone as far as to trumpet your "achievement" of flaming the Gophers over on Bisonville. And save the whole "'I've been a Gopher fan forever" or whatever spiel you try to spin when you inherently pop up over here. Nobody who has seen anything you have written in the past believes you.

ok. here's my 2 cents.
As a younger fan, I have already been through many, many heartbreaking moments as a gopher fan. I have often wondered why I stick with being a MN fan through all of these moments, i.e Northwestern Last year and '98( could be the wrong year) last second hail mary to the sconny bobbled punt to the michigan collapse at the dome. I then think that I have a ton of pride in the state of MN, and with that the hope that someday I can travel to Pasedena and see the Gophs win the rose bowl. On top of that, I pray someday I will have enough faith in the Gophs to not feel like we will find a way to lose every game. As even today if The gophs have a 14 point lead and the ball with 2 mins left I still don't feel 100% confident, and I know many fans share this unease because of the many gopher collapses in recent years.
Now, I say all this because the reason I Like Brewster is that he seems to be chasing Greatness, not mediocrity. Now I know he hasn't achieved any on-field results, but I will be patient becuase I know MN is not an easy-place to achieve a quick(2yr or so) run to the Roses. So out of this rambling, my conclusion is that I put out so much of my energy,time, and passion towards Gopher sports, namely football, that I feel like we should aim for the top, and someday see the gophs play in the rose bowl. and with Brewster, I feel like I share this goal with him. Now this is why I Like Brewster, and can see why you are not a fan of him. but hopefully you can understand my points on him and someday you will have given him enough passion and patience to give him a chance to succeed.

Brewster is great.

No coach is ever going to be liked by 100% of the fan base and I know this but I get really tired of some of the supposed negatives Brewster is supposed to have. I cant give the guy enough credit for what he has done and what he is trying to do. The one thing I am not going to ever complain about with any coach is how they treat other teams as far as scheduling let alone I-AA teams. NDSU fans seem to think they should get the Gophers on their schedule every season or something as a Gopher fan I would like to see no teams from the I-AA ranks in the future. Now I also realise that this is going to happen most years its good to rotate the 1 game between the regional teams NDSU, SDSU, Northern Iowa, and in the near future UND and USD. The Gophers wins mean nearly nothing in these games and their loss would only be magnified because of the different classes. Brewster is a recruiter which means getting his games in the area where the recruits are. Unfortunatly North Dakota and South Dakota are not kicking out huge numbers of Division-I football recruits every year.

Brewster is smug?
I'd like to think its attitude.

If any of you were at Camp Randall this past season and watched the Gopher squad's attitude during the 3rd Quarter Jump Around I think we all would be proud of our coach and team.
Wisconsin players didn't know what to do when they looked over and saw half the Gopher team at mid-field jumping around and 'bringing on' the Badgers. I just remember looking around at my buddies and all our jaws were dropped. We've hadn't seen a Gopher squad with a chip on their shoulder for decades.
This change of attitude is Brewster. Nothing against Mason, but he didn't bring that out in any of his players.

UND wont play anytime soon, now that there was a report in the fargo paper that RALPH E. (the guy from vegas who built the hockey arena and hosted HITLER bday parties) that he called the sioux "prairie N___" mite have to dig for it from sunday.


I am being serious and of course I'm always gonna do NDSU/GOPHER smack. its ok. its entertainment!

I just wish the GOPHERS had a MINNESOTA coach, a guy that everyone loves, ya know? right now I don't see brewster as that guy. but im sure it'll get better. right?


Yes you can! Me and most of my extended family are season ticket holding Gopher fans and most of us don't like anything about the guy. We were fans before he arrived and will be fans long after he packs his carpet bag and leaves town on a slow train.

You don't like ONE thing about him? I mean seriously, NOTHING? How can you not like the fact that he pours his heart and soul out into this program that you love trying to make it a winner? How can you not like that he has goals of taking this program to the Rose Bowl, something it hasn't done in over 40 years? You may not like the personality he has, but you can't question the fact that he's putting great effort in trying to turn this thing around.

Lakes Bison is Pantherhawk Lite with a gee golly added.

oh ick, pantherhawk is the lowest form of internet slime there is.

gee, No way you should compare me to him.

besides, after NDSU got into the big dance, I've tamed down a lil.

I just was posing the question in a serious manner. Cuz I will be a gopher fan, but Ill still probably RIP on brewster just like a lot of you ripped on Mason, but you were still fans.

I just wish the GOPHERS had a MINNESOTA coach, a guy that everyone loves, ya know? right now I don't see brewster as that guy. but im sure it'll get better. right?


The only coaches loved by everyone are legends. Everyone talked about how good of a guy Wacker was and his teams sucked.

To answer your original question, of course you can like a team and dislike a coach but if you actually want the coach to fail then you don't really like the team. I love the Vikings and think Chilly is terrible but I'd LOVE it if he got an extention because that means the team is succesful.

I also don't get why people don't like Brewster. He's recruited better than we've seen here, has the interest level in the team at home and nationally at an all time high for my 25 yrs on Earth, and his team plays much harder for him than Mason's teams did. Even when we've lost big this team always fights and plays hard. We all want a succesful team but some of you find joy in seeing Brewster fall short of his goals which is crazy. Every team should aim for a B10 championship every year but Brewster gets roasted for having the nerve to say it. I really think its a Minnesota thing. We hate positive people out here.

Actually the reality is this: We have an old old old fanbase. Gopher games probably have a higher percentage of 60 and up fans than anyone else in the B10 if not the country. They grew up on cold weather teams, Bud Grant, hard nosed Norris division football. Old people believe in 'shut up and play'. They don't like a coach who talks a lot and especially don't like a coach who talks a lot who hasn't achieved much yet.

UND wont play anytime soon, now that there was a report in the fargo paper that RALPH E. (the guy from vegas who built the hockey arena and hosted HITLER bday parties) that he called the sioux "prairie N___" mite have to dig for it from sunday.


I am being serious and of course I'm always gonna do NDSU/GOPHER smack. its ok. its entertainment!

I just wish the GOPHERS had a MINNESOTA coach, a guy that everyone loves, ya know? right now I don't see brewster as that guy. but im sure it'll get better. right?


But that's the problem. That's your whole spiel anytime you post anything. You even went so far as to try and flame Tubby Smith for daring to not schedule NDSU next year, who by the way is a coach everyone likes and is a complete class act. If you don't like Brewster, that's fine. There are plenty of Gopher fans that don't and even I admit, sometimes he's a bit over the top.

But stop with the whole thing about "supporting" the Gophers despite the coach. You don't, regardless of what sport it is.

maybe its the last 5 years with Mason and Brewster acting kinda smug that scares off most minnesotan's.

Mason was smug. Brewster is confident and relentlessly optomistic. There is a big difference. Not everyone feels that way and for some both are equally as negative, but they are not the same thing.

oh hush. yes Im gonna be pro-ndsu and smack with ya from time to time.

but I believe there are more late 20's , 30 year olds' in Minnesota that grew up with the gophers with our fathers/grandfathers like me, that are out there.

like I said, I will be at the new stadium cheering for the gophers every game cept 1 in 2011.

but back to this thread.............

Brewster is indeed arrogant, but I wish he would've WAITED to be arrogant after a few years, ya dig?? cool.

have a great day.

I just was posing the question in a serious manner. Cuz I will be a gopher fan, but Ill still probably RIP on brewster just like a lot of you ripped on Mason, but you were still fans.

Ripping on the coach right now is gutless. The time to raise criticism would have been when the team was 7-1. I will only take people seriously who were critical in late October. But I don't think we would have seen this post (or others like it) at that time.

Like good tax-returning, nodding Minnesotans we usually just accept the media spin on everything. Invariably, when it comes to Gopher football, this is always going to be that Brew is a great coach (when the team wins), and a "blowhard" (when the team loses). People who adopt their opinions from the sports media in this town are easy to spot and they contribute nothing to the conversation.

Ripping on the coach right now is gutless. The time to raise criticism would have been when the team was 7-1. I will only take people seriously who were his critical in late October. But I don't think we would have seen this post (or others like it) at that time.

Like good tax-returning, nodding Minnesotans we usually just accept the media spin on everything. Invariably, when it comes to Gopher football, this is always going to be that Brew is a great coach (when the team wins), and a "blowhard" (when the team loses). People who adopt their opinions from the sports media in this town are easy to spot and they contribute nothing to the conversation.

Minnesota fans are very patient however(i.e. Mason and Monson tenures) and will give a coach a long time before the coach feels any real pressure or criticism. What a lot of Minnesota fans consider criticism is nothing more than a love tap at another school where the coaches feel real pressure from day one. This is a pretty decent job where a coach gets a free pass for the first 3-4 years in comparison to other schools with higher expectations.

I don't think you have to love or even respect the coach to cheer for the team. Brewster has his warts. All coaches do. There are days I wish Brewster would dial it back a notch, but that's not who he is, so I hope his energy leads to something positive on the field.

I laugh at the "smug" tag. He's not within light years of guys like Barry Alvarez or Joe Paterno, but hey, you win and all of a sudden "smug" becomes "confident" or "irrepressible." In fact, I can't think of too many college football coaches in today's game who aren't complete pricks.

It's not a gentlemen's game anymore with guys like Ara Parsegian, Tom Osborne, Johnny Majors, Vince Dooley, etc. around. But even in the old days, complete jerks like Woody Hayes and Bo Schembechler managed to haunt the sport. But it's turned over. Coaches have to sell "product" like never before and to do that, you need to build an "identity," which roughly translates to being a jerk.

I think you would be more concerned about the 3 football players
kicked off the NDSU team

Believe it or not, Lakes and PantherHawk are not the same person, but they are clones.

Actually, Lakes is a UND fan, posing as an NDSU fan to make NDSU look bad.

Gosh, lakesbison....

Do you need permission to know how to think? You don't know if you can hate Brewster or not? Someone that pathetic needs a shrink, not an answer to a stupid question. But the answer is that you can do anything you want to do.....and no one really cares what you do or think. There, now you have permission. Feel better?

Ok. So Im sending in my 2008 MINNESOTA tax returns the other day.

It got me to thinking.

I grew up a gopher fan, I attended games at Memorial and then Metrodome.

I watched Rickey Foggie beat Sconi land. I remember the punt debacle that lost the sconi game a few years back.

I have been a gopher fan growing up.

But the distaste for mediocrity with GLEN MASON and his smugness, combined with Punky Brewster's attitude drove me to devote 85% of my college fball fanaticism to NDSU. (15% staying with the gophers of course)

SOOOO. CAN I BE A GOPHER FAN and DISLIKE BREWSTER??? how many of us are out here??

I am dead serious, this isn't BAIT, this is a sincere and open question that i'd like debated.

Thank you.

Lakesbison Minnesota resident for 30 years.

Don't really care if you like or dislike him, but if you are going to criticize him, make sure it is with facts and reason and not just your personal issue like "he sucks" or something like that. I personally don't give the time of day to those posts and usually end up using the ignore feature on posters like that.

Basically I am trying to say if you don't agree with or dislike someone, articulate your reason and submit it for debate. I may not agree with you, but at least I can respect that.

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