Can anyone please confirm?


Section 112, Row 1
Nov 20, 2008
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SIAP. Did anyone else notice in Sid's column his mention about Hasan Lipscomb?

"Hasan Lipscomb, the Texas running back who had committed to the Gophers but couldn't get into school, is attending Blinn College in Brenham, Texas, hoping to get his grades in shape so he can enroll at Minnesota in January."

Is it truly a possibility that he could enroll this January, or does he have to finish out the year, or is it two years? Thanks!

I don't know that much about NCAA transfer rules, but I see no reason why he wouldn't be able to transfer after a single semester.

I read this as well. I hope it's true, it would be great to get him in here to add another dimension to the offense. Hopefully, we won't have any urgency to get him back asap because Duane will have recovered 100% and rushed for 1200/14 by the Rose Bowl;)

I don't know that much about NCAA transfer rules, but I see no reason why he wouldn't be able to transfer after a single semester.

Transfer rules don't apply when talking about junior colleges. That is because no one transfers from a junior college to a D-I program.

If you don't qualify coming out of high school, and you choose to attend a juco in order to better your resumé, you must graduate before a D-I school can accept you. That is a two-year program - an associate's degree.

These rules did not apply to Marqueis Gray, because he did not attend a juco, and rather just sat out last year.

In other words, once again, whoever writes Sid's column for him has no idea what they're talking about.

I'm pretty sure that dpodoll is correct. Coming out of HS you are either a qualifier or non-qualifier. They have a sliding scale with ACT & GPA to be considered a qualifier so I don't want to get in to specifics of the requirements but if you clear the NCAA Clearinghouse you are considered a qualifier. If you don't pass the clearinghouse you are a non-qualifier.

It is my understanding that if you are a qualifier you can transfer at any time. That means that even if you go to a DI school and lose eligibility you can go to a Juco to get your grades up and return to school (Shonn Greene) or go to another without graduating from the program (Trevor Mbakwe--I'm not saying he was academically ineligible at Marquette but he didn't have to graduate from Juco to attend Minnesota).

If you are a non-qualifer--such as Lipscomb--I believe you have to graduate from the 2-year program to become eligible to attend a DI school.

If I'm wrong someone please correct me but I would be skeptical of the article from Sid.

Non qualifier = Must graduate with an AA to be eligible to transfer to a DI or D2

Qualifier = Can transfer at anytime assuming that he has done the necessary work at the JUCO. These are often the guys who feel they got overlooked and can have a strong freshman season at the JUCO and then get an offer more to their liking.

Pretty sure Paul Carter (on the hoops team) was a qualifier who only went 1 year to JUCO

Would it make a difference...

if Hassan is just attending the JUCO as a student only and isn't playing football?

Pretty sure Paul Carter (on the hoops team) was a qualifier who only went 1 year to JUCO

No, he went two. Redshirted his freshman year (which is why he still has two years of eligibility here).

It may be possible that Hassan was a qualifier but would not have been accepted into the U. I say this because word was that the issue with him was lost transcripts from the Katrina move. If that was the case its possible the NCAA would let him through but the U may have required certain classes or credits to get him in so he is going to JUCO to take said class/es.

if Hassan is just attending the JUCO as a student only and isn't playing football?

That wouldn't make a difference. If he wants to play athletics in college he has to pass the NCAA clearinghouse. To pass the NCAA clearinghouse he either needs to have a high enough ACT score + GPA combination or get an associate degree at Juco. The only thing not playing football at Juco would change is the number of years of eligibilty remaining at a DI school.

It may be possible that Hassan was a qualifier but would not have been accepted into the U. I say this because word was that the issue with him was lost transcripts from the Katrina move. If that was the case its possible the NCAA would let him through but the U may have required certain classes or credits to get him in so he is going to JUCO to take said class/es.

Good point. We don't have enough information to draw a conclusion either way.

we went over this a couple of years ago. I don't think it's as black and white as we're making it here. There's another scenario where a kid can't qualify but doesn't need to complete his AA first, I just can't remember. Someone will bring forth the clarification soon.

my memory sucks, but I think this is the deal: when a kid has the grades and the ACT score but simply lacks credits he is allowed to accumulate those credits at Juco. At which point he can transfer, kind of like finishing high school. but if he gets poor grades there, then he must complete the AA first. This would fit in with the Katrina issue. someone please confirm.

If it is a matter of improving his resume so he can be more attractice to the school, he should go to a good prep school. It is expensive, but he would not lose eligibility.

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