Can anyone give an update …


Dec 23, 2022
Reaction score
On how the scrimmage went tonight? I was planning on attending but I found out I can’t be two different places at one time. Anyone have comments?

Unless someone who posts here actually went, then your best bet is VT. That's where most of the volleyball nuts live. (People who literally only watch volleyball and no other sport)

Here are a couple of the more solid posts from there:

Maybe it was a 3000-3500 size crowd. (G4L note: the Pav was still in 2-court setup, so this was likely near full capacity for what was available)

Some thoughts about the match:
- Crowl really impressed me today. She hit the ball with so much power and confidence.
- the serving pressure is like up 2-3 notches from past years. I really like Grey, Wookie, and Hanson serve.
- coach KK worked extra with our setters. Mel looked very good and connected with the middles very well. Talking of middles, Minatee is impressive. She moved so well laterally and she was the slide hitter
- Grey held on the libero position pretty well. She got more comfortable as the game went on
- the coaches were so active at the sideline and the players seemed to have a blast
- Landfair and Wookie were their usual selves. So glad to see both of them healthy


There were times where Landfair just dominated, as well as Wucherer.

Really liked what we got out of Minatee and Crowl.

Hanson had some nice run in sets 3 and 4, as they were featuring her more.

Davis brought some fire and had a few nice moments as well.

Didn't see much from Schnickels, as she wasn't getting a lot of sets in her rotations.

Thought it was a little odd, there didn't seem to be any calling of serves, but maybe that's just a function of a spring scrimmage."

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