Calm down negative goofballs.


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Jul 22, 2009
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If you watched the NW game you saw a Goph team that could have won the game. You spot the other team 7 points and lose by 8. Jerry doesn't mind being down 1 score with 4 min to play and neither should we.

I get it, moral victory.

That's not the point that's being made. People are acting like we had no chance in that game and are wondering if we will win another game this year because we are apparently so badly outmanned by Northwestern. We lost by 8 points after a bad mistake allowed Northwestern to put up 7 within the first 15 seconds of the game and we were without our starting quarterback for more than half the game. We could have won the game, and there will be games this year that we can win, we've already been through 6 games that this team was capable of winning. A few people are just horribly overreacting to this loss. The point is not that Saturday was a moral victory, it's that this team is not as god awful terrible as some are making it out to be.

No people are acting like northwestern did everything they could to give us the game and at no point did anyone think our offense was going to score. People are upset because we all bought in to the fact that we were are better than last year in a big ten conf that is down and we were throttled by Iowa and looked very uninterested vs NU. If people weren't pissed we should be concerned, in my view the sky is falling on this season because the games don't get easier and Illinois isn't a lock we can win. There is a VERY god possibility we lose the rest of our games this year

I get that Cayman. The fans are frustrated because expectations got ahead of where this team is at. Expectations have now been reset, but at the expense of losing the casual fans.
I still will enjoy watching these kids play and I HOPE to see them get better and have fun. They are way too tight right now.

If you watched the NW game you saw a Goph team that could have won the game. You spot the other team 7 points and lose by 8. Jerry doesn't mind being down 1 score with 4 min to play and neither should we.

Let me use the odd literary reference. If anyone here has read Phillip Roth's "The Great American Novel," you may remember the character of "Hothead" Ptah, the wooden-legged catcher for the Port Rupert Mundy's baseball team. After a game which the hapless Mundy's managed to win, "Hothead" said (and I paraphrase, "there's coulda and shoulda, but we duda." The Gophers could have won the game. They should have won the game. But they did not win the game due to sloppy play.

I realize that I have been unduly negative after this game, but this is a game that should have ended up in the W column and it did not because we made the same stupid mistakes that have been made for the past four decades. I realize Kill is not a miracle worker, but I see Saturday as a big step backwards. I don't mind being manhandled the way we were in Iowa because Iowa is a physically stronger football team than we are. What I do mind, as a fan, is watching a team make stupid, unforced errors that lead to a defeat that shouldn't have happened.

Once again...this board is very, very kind. Those who think it is overly negative will need to get thicker skin if we ever get out of the bottom of the conference.

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