Buzz camp seems quiet


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Feb 7, 2012
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Is it just me, or does the Buzz Williams camp seem oftely quite this week? Every other coach has openly said no, but the articles about Buzz are mainly media driven. As a Gopher alum living in Milwaukee, I think the media/insight here seems quiet too. Locally, the rumors about Buzz's relationship with the AD portray it as being terrible. The new MU AD and President are rumored to not like the fact that Buzz is the face of the University right now. They want to put their own stamp on things.

And I intended the title to read "Buzz camp seem QUIET"

Is it just me, or does the Buzz Williams camp seem oftely quite this week? Every other coach has openly said no, but the articles about Buzz are mainly media driven. As a Gopher alum living in Milwaukee, I think the media/insight here seems quiet too. Locally, the rumors about Buzz's relationship with the AD portray it as being terrible. The new MU AD and President are rumored to not like the fact that Buzz is the face of the University right now. They want to put their own stamp on things.

And I intended the title to read "Buzz camp seem QUIET"

Still think Buzz is a longshot but there do seem to be some factors that could work in our favor with him. We are seeing first hand what it can be like for inherited coaches with new administations, add to that the fact that one story I saw made it sound like Buzz is not on board with the Catholic 7 change also.

Tough to say if he would come here but it would definitely be a hire most would be on board with I would think.

@APkrawczynski: No surprise but continue to be told Marquette is not concerned about losing Buzz, at least not to Minnesota.

Go Gophers!!

If silence is our standard, Mike Krzyzewski has also been very silent on the MN job. Not one person in the Duke media has mentioned anything about coach K taking the MN job....Hmmm, it makes you wonder? Will he bring some of his current players with him? Villa 7 has a very long and deep reach, to the top echelons of college hoops. Welcome to MN Coach K?

Judd and Dubay just teased they had information out of Marquette after the break. I'm guessing 10 year contract extension.

Stop it.....they're quiet cause there's no threat lol

Tubby never called a press conference every time we spotted him at the airport in Charlottesville or Tuscaloosa or Eugene either.

We don't want Coach K, he's too danged old. Clearly the last few years has demonstrated that he's lost his edge. Don't know why Duke even keeps him on staff.

We don't want Coach K, he's too danged old. Clearly the last few years has demonstrated that he's lost his edge. Don't know why Duke even keeps him on staff.
The Kentucky Press has even been quieter then the Duke press on the MN coaching job...Is something up between Calipari and the U of MN job? Not even a peep out of Lexington on the issue, something must be up!

It was nothing.
Earlier in the morning they had read quotes from Buzz and AD saying he wasn't going anywhere.
They were clarifying that those quotes were over a week old.

Am I the only one who doesn't want Buzz? I mean he seems pretty ethically challenged. And was even suspended for a game this year. Does that worry anyone else? If his assistant was actually caught, they must be doing some under the table stuff in Milwaukee. 'Where there's smoke, there's fire.' Not to mention he looks like Curly from the 3 stooges.

Am I the only one who doesn't want Buzz? I mean he seems pretty ethically challenged. And was even suspended for a game this year. Does that worry anyone else? If his assistant was actually caught, they must be doing some under the table stuff in Milwaukee. 'Where there's smoke, there's fire.' Not to mention he looks like Curly from the 3 stooges.

Would you trade in your Final Four memories for a clean, non-winning program? Oh, my. I've opened Pandora's box. Just kidding. Just kidding.

We don't want Coach K, he's too danged old. Clearly the last few years has demonstrated that he's lost his edge. Don't know why Duke even keeps him on staff.

He has no Midwest ties and he'd make Parski too happy for my tastes.

Would you trade in your Final Four memories for a clean, non-winning program? Oh, my. I've opened Pandora's box. Just kidding. Just kidding.

The problem BarnBoy is that we always get caught. People come to MN and get caught cheating. It's why the Twins only had like 3 guys hit for 20 HRs during the steroid era. It's why it was a scandal here when Mike Tice sold his tickets to a game. We're MN, we get caught cheating.

The problem BarnBoy is that we always get caught. People come to MN and get caught cheating. It's why the Twins only had like 3 guys hit for 20 HRs during the steroid era. It's why it was a scandal here when Mike Tice sold his tickets to a game. We're MN, we get caught cheating.

So true.

@APkrawczynski: No surprise but continue to be told Marquette is not concerned about losing Buzz, at least not to Minnesota.

I am not predicting that we are going to hire Buzz Williams, but if Buzz was going to leave a job like Marquette for Minnesota (or almost any job) it would likely be for reasons unrelated to basketball or salary. He already is highly compensated at one of the better basketball schools in the country and has one of the better jobs around. If he truly dislikes the AD or administration enough to leave, then he would want all discussions to be strictly confidential and, outwardly and to the administration, there would be no appearance of any possible departure. Unlike the Cronins of the world who want to publicize their loyalty to their current school, a guy like Buzz would not want anyone to know that there were even discussions with Teague or any other AD until a decision had been made.

I would expect that everything would be routed through his agent (or another intermediary if he doesn’t have an agent) until everything was set. If word leaked during the process that they were negotiating, Buzz could honestly say that he never discussed the job with Minnesota. If they could agree on terms, there would be a brief face to face meeting with Teague, an offer extended and accepted and an announcement made. Buzz would say that he had no plan to leave Marquette and that it all happened really fast. Teague would say that he talked to a lot of people in the search, but he always had Buzz as his number one target and was content to wait until he was available to talk.

If it was going to happen, I think that this is how it would go down.

If silence is our standard, Mike Krzyzewski has also been very silent on the MN job. Not one person in the Duke media has mentioned anything about coach K taking the MN job....Hmmm, it makes you wonder? Will he bring some of his current players with him? Villa 7 has a very long and deep reach, to the top echelons of college hoops. Welcome to MN Coach K?

In your effort at humor or sarcasm you came up with do-uchebaggery...congratulations!

The problem BarnBoy is that we always get caught. People come to MN and get caught cheating. It's why the Twins only had like 3 guys hit for 20 HRs during the steroid era. It's why it was a scandal here when Mike Tice sold his tickets to a game. We're MN, we get caught cheating.

Perfect...You are on to something. We are just bad cheaters. You always get better at something by practicing right? and you can become an expert by practicing for 10000 hours (so the current literature says)! so we need an all out effort to practice our cheating here at the U of MN, so we are no longer bad at it? Lets for sure hire some qualified assistant coaches: Any Calipari assistant, G Gordon Liddy, Pete Rose, Etc and get good at what is holding us back!!! Instead of "Villa 7" we could call this new Teague/ Ellis U of MN started program "Felon 7"...

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