Business Journal: Minnesota Gophers rank near bottom of Big 10 apparel contracts


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Nov 11, 2008
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per the Business Journal:

The University of Minnesota Golden Gophers will collect $2.3 million worth of Nike gear this season — a nice haul, but one that ranks near the bottom of Big 10 athletic apparel contracts.

The Gophers ranked 10th out of 12 Big 10 teams in terms of the compensation athletic programs get to put apparel logos on their uniforms. That’s according to the Portland Business Journal’s annual database of deals between college athletics programs and sportswear companies like Nike, Adidas and Under Armour.

Rutgers ranks last in the Big 10 with $1.3 million. (There was no data available for Penn State and Northwestern.)

Go Gophers!!

Big question for the Big Ten(14) will Under Armour do for Maryland what Nike did for Oregon?

Seems about right. You go to the Carcare Bowl in bum "F" Detroit doesn't ring a lot of bells on the National scene.

Seems about right. You go to the Carcare Bowl in bum "F" Detroit doesn't ring a lot of bells on the National scene.

I have been given a lot of Gopher gear from friends in other parts of the country who remind there is "no demand" for it Baton Rouge or Boston.

It's more of a timing issue. I think our deal is up in 2017.

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