Bucky Badger hatted thief!


Section 243
Nov 20, 2008
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This is awesome


Bucky-hate-armed-robbery-Careers-at-Quincy1-e1358746612381.jpg A man who allegedly robbed a credit union while wearing a three-dimensional winter hat in the shape of the University of Wisconsin-Madison’s mascot told police he needed money because he can’t afford the $250,000 in student debt he has accrued. He also expressed a desire to go to prison.

The suspect, 49-year-old Madison resident Randall H. Hubatch, allegedly entered the Summit Credit Union on Jan. 11 with the pompon-adorned Bucky Badger hat on his head and a plastic Star Wars toy gun in his pocket, the Wisconsin State Journal reported.

Hubatch handed a note to a teller asking for $500, an amount he chose because he thought it was small enough that the credit union would simply give to him.

Read more: http://dailycaller.com/2013/01/21/u...union-to-pay-off-student-loans/#ixzz2IoY0RRCA

I love the fact that he also had a Star Wars Toy Gun. Could this be Pantherhawk?

Hubatch handed a note to a teller asking for $500, an amount he chose because he thought it was small enough that the credit union would simply give to him.

What did he expect to do? Dig a hole in his backyard, plant the $500 there, water repeatedly for the next few months, and hope that a money tree was going to sprout by spring?

Hubatch handed a note to a teller asking for $500, an amount he chose because he thought it was small enough that the credit union would simply give to him.

What did he expect to do? Dig a hole in his backyard, plant the $500 there, water repeatedly for the next few months, and hope that a money tree was going to sprout by spring?

It works for me. All ya need is the right fertilizer, and I am not giving out that formula.

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