BTN: Unit rankings QB (Minnesota #7)


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Nov 11, 2008
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"7. Minnesota – MarQueis Gray, a senior, is built like a linebacker. And he sometimes passes like one, too. But Gray is getting better now that he’s a full-time quarterback working for a stable staff. And a second season in Jerry Kill’s offense, no doubt, will help. Massive Max Shortell saw significant action as a true freshman last season, proving to be more than capable of running the attack in eight games and two starts."

Go Gophers!!

i definitely dont agree with wisco and nebby ahead of us. obrien is not that good and actually regressed a bit last season, and taylor martinez throws like uncle rico from napolean dynamite. come on

You also have to consider the source. This is the same Tom Dienhart who talked about Tim Brewster like he was the second coming of Murray Warmath.

(Here's an example from Dienhart's 2008 Big Ten media day article: MOST INSPIRATIONAL: Tim Brewster, Minnesota. His passion and fire had this writer ready to run through the buffet line with gusto. Brewster should be a general.)

General Custer, maybe?

That said, I don't know if seven is that far off, if at all. Gray has to improve his accuracy and Shortell is still pretty green. It's kind of a dumb list, putting equal weight on the starter and depth at the position as a whole. /KanyeShrug

The Big Ten QB's aren't too impressive this year, and I definitely think MarQueis is in the top half. If you changed absolutely nothing about him and put him on Michigan or Ohio St's roster he would be listed in the top 4.

i definitely dont agree with wisco and nebby ahead of us. obrien is not that good and actually regressed a bit last season, and taylor martinez throws like uncle rico from napolean dynamite. come on

The picture in the article of Martinez is fantastic. I've never played a down of organized football in my life and yet I still don't throw the ball with my elbow in front of my chest.


I think Gray should at least be ahead of Scheelhaase. I get it though Sheelhaase is more experienced, but in my opinion Gray will move up a few slots by season's end and Scheelhaase will stay put or move down. This isn't isn't really a great year for QBs in the B1G. Robinson is about is good as it gets, but he seems to have reached his potential as a qb. Maybe Maxwell at Michigan St will surprise everyone.

I'd also move Colter up into the top half and move Terbush/Marve down.

I stopped reading after I saw Braxton Miller at #2. Watching Miller throw is like playing old school Duck Hunt.....Ducks EVERYWHERE!!!

Didn't read the article, but if we are talking about QBs as a whole, and not just passing skills, I'd take MGray over the vast majority of QBs in the conference.
There aren't many Big Ten QBs I'd trade MGray for, if any. I think of how awful Gray looked at times last year, and how much better his overall game was the second half of the year, and then to hear coaches during spring practices talk about how it is night and day from where he was a year ago at this time, and I'm incredibly optimistic. You don't have to be an insanely great passer to win college football games - you can win with a great athlete at QB (which Gray his) who can run and throw enough to be dangerous, which MG was doing at the end of last year and should only be better.

He doesn't have the talent around him that other squads do, but if he did, I think he'd put up some crazy numbers.




Shall I go on?
I was thinking the same thing. But still, when you slow-motion or still-frame it, throwing a football has got to be the most awkward looking motion in sports -- the elbow combined with the opposite hand combined with the facial expression is just plain weird.

Nokomis said:
I was thinking the same thing. But still, when you slow-motion or still-frame it, throwing a football has got to be the most awkward looking motion in sports -- the elbow combined with the opposite hand combined with the facial expression is just plain weird.

I guess you have never seen pictures of Randy Johnson pitching in slow motion. You will have nightmares!

One of my personal favorite quarterback throwing pictures.


As a Husker fan first, Gophers second, I know all too well the Taylor Martinez throwing motion. So not too long ago I drew these up...



You would be surprised how well he fit in those images. All I really had to do was change the shirt to red. :D

You can find them in my flickr in either of the two Husker sets:

I just about fell out of my chair laughing! Well played!

Not so much the elbow in front of the chest as it is the height of the ball at release. Below the helmet vs. above the helmet for the pros. Betcha he'd be good at dart throwing though.

Sad to say, but the #7 ranking will the the highest of all the position rankings coming out

Sad to say, but the #7 ranking will the the highest of all the position rankings coming out

I would agree with that. I would think the offensive line has the potential to be somewhere around 6 or 7, but will probably be ranked 10 or 11. Our defensive line worries me the most. Hageman has a lot of potential, but has yet to produce consistently. All of the others, are still question marks.

Even with all of the lousy predictions, I'll still feel each week that the Gophers will win the game. Even after getting clobbered 58-0.

i definitely dont agree with wisco and nebby ahead of us. obrien is not that good and actually regressed a bit last season, and taylor martinez throws like uncle rico from napolean dynamite. come on

Uhh have you seen how Gray throws?

Sad to say, but the #7 ranking will the the highest of all the position rankings coming out

I bet the kicking duo of Wettstein/Hawthorne is top 5 :pig:

LB's might be in the top 5-6 given that we have two seniors who will both be starting for their 3rd year...

Uhh have you seen how Gray throws?

Prior to this, your last post was on 4/6/12. OutHouseGopher was created on 4/8/12 and was banned yesterday. Coincidence?

Ban this fool.

Prior to this, your last post was on 4/6/12. OutHouseGopher was created on 4/8/12 and was banned yesterday. Coincidence?

Ban this fool.

It is time to ban Pantherhawk for the second time this week.

Prior to this, your last post was on 4/6/12. OutHouseGopher was created on 4/8/12 and was banned yesterday. Coincidence?

Ban this fool.

Great detective work. :rolleyes:

I've been on here for a long time.

Sad to say, but the #7 ranking will the the highest of all the position rankings coming out

Nah, they'll feel obligated to toss every fan base a bone at one spot...for us, I'm guessing someone will recognize Stoudermire's name and stick our defensive backs in the top half of the conference based on that alone. Probably special teams, too, for the same reasons (though that one would be more justified).

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