BTN: The Golden Gophers hate playing Wisconsin. Just hate it.


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Nov 11, 2008
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per Dienhart: See your team's toughest 2016 conference game:

Minnesota. The Golden Gophers hate playing Wisconsin. Just hate it. The battle for Paul Bunyan’s Axe has been a lopsided affair of late, as the Gophers have gone 2-17 vs. the Badgers since 1995. In fact, Minnesota has lost 12 in a row to Wisconsin. And the Gophers haven’t won in Madison since 1994. Will the drought end when Minnesota travels south down I-94 for the Nov. 26 game?

Go Gophers!!

What a load of B.S. They hate losing to Wisconsin, but to play football is to compete. They love playing Wisconsin.

Here's the thing. If you would poll Gopher fans beating Becky has become more important than
beating the Hawkeyes. Most of it is because of 12 losses in a row. I expect a tough game down in Madison, and I think it would be an upset if beat them in their house because of the 12 straight losses. Becky is not chopped liver.If they find a QB, they will be extremely tough. If we walk out of the Camp with a win, be gracious because with their nauseating fan base it will stick in their craw for 12 months even if they go 11-1.

Screw Becky and their fans! We want to win!

I can't speak for the players, but because of the losing, I really do hate watching the Gophers play the badgers. I know I should be excited, but I have been conditioned to dread the game - hopefully that changes this year. I love watching the badgers play other teams, because it gives me the opportunity to have a really strong rooting interest in a game where I won't get emotionally erratic if things don't go the way I want them to. My favorite two sporting events of the last 5 years were the badger basketball loss to Kentucky and the badger football loss to LSU in 2014 (I didn't watch the bludgeoning that OSU put on them in the Big10 Championship game, so I can't include that - but I do watch the replay every time its on).

Any badger loss is a good as a Gopher win.

I can't speak for the players, but because of the losing, I really do hate watching the Gophers play the badgers. I know I should be excited, but I have been conditioned to dread the game - hopefully that changes this year. I love watching the badgers play other teams, because it gives me the opportunity to have a really strong rooting interest in a game where I won't get emotionally erratic if things don't go the way I want them to. My favorite two sporting events of the last 5 years were the badger basketball loss to Kentucky and the badger football loss to LSU in 2014 (I didn't watch the bludgeoning that OSU put on them in the Big10 Championship game, so I can't include that - but I do watch the replay every time its on).

Any badger loss is a good as a Gopher win.

Yep....any good Gopher fan loves to see Becky lose in any sport. Normally in the bowl games I always root for the B1G, except for Becky. For me, it all boils down to their fan base. The biggest bunch of p.o.s. on the face of the earth

Yep....any good Gopher fan loves to see Becky lose in any sport. Normally in the bowl games I always root for the B1G, except for Becky. For me, it all boils down to their fan base. The biggest bunch of p.o.s. on the face of the earth

Guess you've missed the last few Iowa home games. Not even close as to whose fans are the worst...Iowa in a landslide. Hand's down. No contest.

You are NOT a Gopher die-hard if you DON'T like watching the Gophers battle for the axe. I don't care if we've lost 2, 12, 20 games to those bozos, I still get pumped no matter what the circumstances since they they are our bitter rivals. I hate sconni and look forward to watching this battle every single year! all I can say is that when we do steal that axe back, I'm going to be celebrating like we just won the national championship!

12 years D:

I have only been watching Gopher football for 5. Can't even begin to imagine...

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