BT to keep Leaders and Legends division names at least through 2011

Mistake. Either keep it permanently or scratch it before it is ever used. A 1 year 'test run' to see if people warm up to it is a terrible idea.

Look at this scary bastard:


That is the face of pure evil.

Congratulations on your epic marketing/branding failure, Emperor Jim Delany Palpatine.

Mistake. Either keep it permanently or scratch it before it is ever used. A 1 year 'test run' to see if people warm up to it is a terrible idea.

The BT really out did themselves and are out of touch.

I think the fans already gave it a resounding thumbs down.

The BT probably spent money on marketing to trophies and that is why they need to keep the names.

The lameness of their explanation is exceeded only by the lameness of the names themselves.

Double blech.

Could care less. Must be a slow news day if this is any sort of 'news'.

I for one hope they keep the names. "Legends" is so much awesomer and manlier than "Leaders" that as long as we have the names we will have a psychological advantage over those fancy lads in the "Leaders" camp.

I don't understand why conducting "market research" is such an extensive process for them. Five minutes of market research should have told them how far off base the Legends/Leaders names were. It shouldn't take all of next year to study just how big of an epic failure it was.

They will keep these for 2 years IMO.
After that they will realign and go to east west alignment and naming.

They will keep these for 2 years IMO.
After that they will realign and go to east west alignment and naming.

You mean kind of like they should have done in the first place.

Let's see:
1 Spend a ton of money to have some experts name the divisions.
2 Realize 90% of the fans think they are horrible and stupid.
3 State they are going to look at changing the name.
4 Decide to keep the names anyway.

Makes perfect sense to me.:rolleyes:


East and West ... Simple enough ... they at least should have come up with divisions that started with different letters.

East and West ... Simple enough ... they at least should have come up with divisions that started with different letters.

I think most fans will end up calling it east and west no matter what the official names are. It's much easier to remember. I already refer to it as east and west.

They must have run this by someone. I'd love to know their methodology in testing it out. I'm only guessing here, but I'm guessing they didn't run it past football fans, people in the focus group (if they used one) may not have even known just what the names were for.

Maybe they need to pu all the NYD bowl teams + Nebraska in one division and call them Legends and Losers.

So cheesy, but I'm over the initial outrage. On the other hand, the new logo has really grown on me!

You mean kind of like they should have done in the first place.

Let's see:
1 Spend a ton of money to have some experts name the divisions.
2 Realize 90% of the fans think they are horrible and stupid.
3 State they are going to look at changing the name.
4 Decide to keep the names anyway.

Makes perfect sense to me.:rolleyes:

IMO there is a reason that they built 2 years of schedule and not 4… and I don't think it's cause they plan on going to a 9 game conference schedule in 2013.

IMO there is a reason that they built 2 years of schedule and not 4… and I don't think it's cause they plan on going to a 9 game conference schedule in 2013.

Nope because they want to take over the world by expanding.

They will only expand if it is notre dame. With or without notre dame, restructuring of the divisions will likely happen for the next schedule IMO

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