Bryant Allen named West County Male Athlete of the Year (great article)

:cool03:Thanks for the read. I like the tenacicty of this young man. It's good that he has goals and wants to prove everyone wrong who says he can't attain them.

Nice to hear Tubby helped sway his decision. Hopefully he can do the same with Seantrell!

This kid is going to be a stud. Seems to have his head on straight and is focused on his goals. Can't wait to see him in football as well as b-ball. I think he'll be our most solid freshman contributor next fall.


I absolutely love this kid. I think he's an absolute steal. I predict we will be hearing big things from him on the gridiron this fall. With him, Decker, Green, and Carpenter I think this is one solid receiving corp.

Someone who wants to play both sports needs to be devoted. This kid seems devoted. I can't wait to see him play.

He was my favorite recruit since I saw his film last fall when he first popped up on the radar. Just a sick highlight film

He was my favorite recruit since I saw his film last fall when he first popped up on the radar. Just a sick highlight film

Plus you have to love guys who can play as many sports well as he can. With the ability and versitility he shows with good coaching he should be able to pick up the finer points of player receiver fairly quickly.

this kid is a stud!! Just checked out some football videos of him and i am excited. This kid is explosive. the thing i like best about him though is that even though he is prolly the the star on his team, he is the first one down the field making the tackles on kickoffs.

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