Brian Bennett - Gray top 3 QB in Big 10


Nov 23, 2008
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I know I probably lost half of you when I put Brian Bennett's name in the title (as was expected ha) but I saw this in the ESPN blog today.

Barry (Lincoln): Top 3 QB's this year... ready? Go!

Brian Bennett: We are heavy on the lists today, aren't we? Well, OK. In no particular order: Denard Robinson, James Vandenberg and -- surprise! -- MarQueis Gray.

Hopefully he is onto something!

Vandenberg must have had some games where he showed some "stuff", but certainly not when I watched him. He reminds me of a very poor man's Dan McGuire. Are the Hawks hopeful with this guy as their quarterback? I'd take Braxton Miller at #2. Gray as #3 is not a reach.

If Bennett truly believes that, then he better back that up in his preseason predictions.

If Gray does end up being a top 3 QB, then we may be in for a pleasant surprise this season.

If Bennett truly believes that, then he better back that up in his preseason predictions.

If Gray does end up being a top 3 QB, then we may be in for a pleasant surprise this season.

Its his mea culpa for suggesting that Wisconsin and Minnesota should stop being divisional crossover rivals.

If Gray is the #3 QB in the Big Ten, Nelson must be at least #2, if not #1.

Can't believe he missed out Miller.. Or even put Vandenberg ANYWHERE above Miller. Wow.

Can't believe he missed out Miller.. Or even put Vandenberg ANYWHERE above Miller. Wow.
Miller was painfully mediocre last year. Do people realize Ohio state went 6-6 with all that talent and lack of good qb play was the reason why?

Miller was painfully mediocre last year. Do people realize Ohio state went 6-6 with all that talent and lack of good qb play was the reason why?

Hmm. This seems a specious argument to make given the following:

Braxton Miller - 54.9% completion (not great, certainly not terrible, especially for a true freshman), QB rating of 138.4, 1874 yds of offense and 20 TDs (despite not starting the first 3 games), 13:4 TD:Int ratio

I'd take those numbers for any Gopher QB anyday, let alone a true freshman Gopher QB. Compare those numbers to any true freshman QB for the Gophers, let alone any redshirt freshman QB for the Gophers. Hell, without even looking, I'd conjecture that they compare pretty favorably to any season by any Gopher QB ever.

Rather, among a litany of problems, I'd argue that the following was the most guilty culprit:

Points allowed per game, Big Ten play, Ohio St. defense:

2011: 23.25
2010*: 12.75
2009: 12.625
2008: 12.25
2007: 13.25
2006+: 12.375

and so on...

+This total includes the famous season-ending 1 vs. 2 game against Michigan, in which the vaunted OSU defense allowed 39 points, at that time the most allowed by an OSU defense since 1999. In the other 7 games, the OSU defense allowed an average of 8.57 ppg.

Miller is to the QB position what Hageman is to the DT position. Tons of potential and room for growth, flashes of what could be, but not enough real production to be more than a "potential big time player" until proven otherwise.

Vandenberg threw for 3000+ yards, had 25 TDs and 7 INTs. Not bad for a first-year starter.

That said, Miller had a really good true freshman season, too.

Someone should tell dpdoll that none of what he said disagreed with anything I said.

If you are comparing to the gophers, you aren't very good.
Part of the reason the defense was so much worse statistically last year compared to the previous 5 was it was also the worst offense they've had in a while, leading to them being put in more difficult situations.

Rosemountian said:
Someone should tell dpdoll that none of what he said disagreed with anything I said.

If you are comparing to the gophers, you aren't very good.
Part of the reason the defense was so much worse statistically last year compared to the previous 5 was it was also the worst offense they've had in a while, leading to them being put in more difficult situations.

Does he have you on "ignore" or something?

Someone should tell dpdoll that none of what he said disagreed with anything I said.

Incorrect. You said "lack of good QB play" was "the" reason. It wasn't. It was among a list of concerns, primary of which was a defense giving up almost twice as many points per game as the recent typical OSU defense.

Part of the reason the defense was so much worse statistically last year compared to the previous 5 was it was also the worst offense they've had in a while, leading to them being put in more difficult situations.

Yes, "part". When you say "the" reason, you are stating there is only one. Again, that is incorrect. As I've already stated, there were multiple reasons, primary among them being a very bad (by OSU standards) defense. You are correct in that OSU's offense was bad by their standards. Why does Braxton Miller, who was by all accounts their best offensive player, shoulder the blame, but not their mediocre RBs, mediocre OL, nondescript receivers, or practically non-existent TEs? Again, Miller was a very good freshman QB, by OSU standards or by any other. Why does he receive the blame in your mind when he was the best player on the offense?

dpodoll68 said:
If Gray is the #3 QB in the Big Ten, Nelson must be at least #2, if not #1.
I hope you're joking? If not get a clue.

GoAUpher said:
You really need to get your sarcasm meter looked at. :)
I don't know this person - notice the line about joking?

I don't know this person - notice the line about joking?

You're on the board enough where you should prob know dpodoll (he of low patience for what he perceives as stupidity) well enough not to confuse him with someone who things a true frosh should be starting above the incumbent starter (who set school records despite overall QB play that wasn't earth shattering). :)

That said, it would still be nice if there were a sarcasm font given how much lunacy is said with a straight face some days.

He wasn't the best player on the offense. There was a reason the offense put up better numbers as the year went on. Part of it was improvement of the qb position (I never said he was a bad qb, merely average and overrated by many) and part of it was skill guys coming back from suspension.

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