Brewster's most recent tweet


Well-known member
Nov 20, 2008
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Great day in the office! Big recruiting day tomorrow. Players have week off before reporting next Saturday! The Time Is..........Now!!

I guess it depends how you read it as a big recruiting day tomorrow could mean that a lot of the coaches will be on the road or their will be some visitors on campus. However if you combine big recruiting day tomorrow with great day in the office today, could that mean we should hear about a commitment tomorrow?

Thought it was worth posting, it probably means nothing and my abilitiy ro decode 140char or less is not that strong.

Well i'm certainly ready for another verbal. I think Brew has a process to his recruiting much like sales. So i don't believe a good day at the office is foreshadowing of an announcement tomorrow. But I am a believer in Brews process, so I'll have faith that a good day at the office is a sign of good things down the road.

seems we were on the short list for a few kids that said they wanted to make their decision by the time football starts. that time is a comin'.

I too have a good feeling about this upcoming week. Brewster and his staff have a full week of recruitment ahead of them. And with a lot of high schools starting football practice soon this may be a good time for recruits to make a decision prior to the beginning of their season.

Let's cross our fingers and hope we get some good news.

Isn't Marquise Hill going to be on campus this weekend?!?!?

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