Brewster's game day coaching


Well-known member
Nov 12, 2008
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It seems to the the popular thing to say that Brewster can recruit but is a terrbible game day coach. This mantra is led by Reusse but I hear it over and over in here also. I am curious as to what specifically is so bad about his game day coaching. Penalties? Yes the Michigan State game penalty situation was pathetic but we did win the game. And I think overall werent we about average in the big ten this year in amount of total penalties?
My main gripes about his game day coaching revolved around not giving Gray a whole series rather than just one play at a time. And I didnt like his revolving running back situation. I say---pick a running back and ride the horse.
Is his clock management so bad? Didnt the coaches several times make good half time adjust ments? Has he made poor decisions on when to punt and when to go for a field goal? Name a coach whose decisions dont boggle the mind at times--Belischek-Childress-Tressel---and on and on. Follow any coach for awhile and you will wonder in amazement as some of the decisions they make. So -----what really is so bad about his game day coaching ? That is the question I put forth. Maybe I have just forgotten some of his poor decisions but thinking back I dont see it as bad as Reusse and others portray him. Straighten me out.

Doc, I have been wondering the same thing. What has he really done so wrong that has caused this perception? Any time we struggled in an area during the 1st half, I and others around me would always talk about how they would turn it around in the 2nd because they always seem to make good half time adjustments. Is there anything he really did that was boneheaded? If so, how boneheaded was it at the time? Or did it just seem very bad after the results came in.

There were people who questioned Tony Dungy as a gameday coach until he finally won in the playoffs. It's easy for people to make blanket statements when they don't really know a situation. I personally have question marks about some of the decisions he's made, but probably no more than any other coach. I don't really have that many issues with Brewster's gameday work. I think the real issue here involves his Sunday - Friday coaching job. People talk about how "undisciplined" this team is, and really, that's not gameday coaching, that's the rest of the week. They are training their players to play aggressively, that is obvious, so you are going to see more things like penalties, but I think they do need to work more to refine that.

The offense has sucked, but I don't think it has anything to do with "Gameday" stuff. I think it's cause of off field stuff, meaning the changes, meaning Weber taking a step back, Decker getting hurt, other receivers still being very young, things like that. Being "outcoached" necessarily on Saturday, and really, it's not often where I was sitting there going "Wow, that other coach is really takin it to Brewster". Most of the time, I found myself sitting there saying "Wow, this team keeps shooting themselves in the foot" and stuff like that.

Doc, I have been wondering the same thing. What has he really done so wrong that has caused this perception? Any time we struggled in an area during the 1st half, I and others around me would always talk about how they would turn it around in the 2nd because they always seem to make good half time adjustments. Is there anything he really did that was boneheaded? If so, how boneheaded was it at the time? Or did it just seem very bad after the results came in.

Enough with the halftime adjustments - for every good one, there's a brutal one

Down 7-0 at half at Ohio State - Brew works his magic - 38-7 Ohio State.
Up 21-10 at half vs. Michigan State - Brew works his magic - 31-28 MSU after 3
Up 13-10 at half vs. Wisconsin - Brew works his magic - decimated by Wisconsin and John Clay (thank God for that fumble or it would've been a rout)
Last year up 14 at half at Wisconsin - Brew works his magic - outscored 28-11

I think some people incorrectly use the phrase "gameday coach" as a catch-all for a number of things. Personally, I chalk the offense's troubles up to pre-game scheming/gameplans and discipline as much as gameday coaching. If anything, Brewster seems to me to be a decent 'gameday' guy. The teams tend to make the obvious adjustments as games go on (at least relative to past Gopher teams) and I can't think of any glaring mistakes with regards to clock management, end-of-game strategy, etc.

I think it's obvious that Brewster is a better gameday coach than Mason was. But the product on the field displays some problems that might be traced back to things like a flawed playbook/system, poor game prep, and a lack of discipline, and all of those things can be blamed on coaching.

First, I'm glad Maturi is giving Brewster more time and think he will eventually succeed. However, Brewster has given his critics some ammunition. I'm not sure how much blame should be placed on the coordinators, but Brewster is ultimately in charge.

Specific ammo:
--We repeatedly tried to pass long in the first half of the Illinois game even though it wasn't working.
--Wisconsin tore us up with the same running play over and over in the second half and we never adjusted to it.
--When teams like Cal started to really apply pressure from the outside on Weber, it looked like we had no answer.
--We would move the ball at times and then at a critical time try something different in an attempt to trick the other team: Wisconsin at goal line stills upsets me but there were other games where this happened.
--The already mentioned shuffling of QB's and running backs seemed to never be a positive and usually looked sort of haphazard.
--At times. the sideline looked confused and indecisive, resulting in penalties and wasted timeouts.
--Game day coach means having your entire team ready to play from the beginning. Several games late in the season, SDSU being the main one, that wasn't the case.

Something continues to puzzle me about this team and staff. We did look better overall in the first half of the season. We ran the ball against Purdue; we had a nice clutch drive against Northwestern; We had a great passing game against Michigan State. Why were we so inept against South Dakota State, Illinois, and Iowa? I don't think Decker's injury caused us to regress that much but maybe I'm wrong.

I'm really looking forward to this bowl game. The players, especially Weber, have had a break and the coaching staff has had time to evaluate and adjust. It would be nice to see some major improvements in some areas. I do think his critics have partially created this myth; but they also had things to work with.

Outcoached...a relative term

Enough with the halftime adjustments - for every good one, there's a brutal one

Down 7-0 at half at Ohio State - Brew works his magic - 38-7 Ohio State.
Up 21-10 at half vs. Michigan State - Brew works his magic - 31-28 MSU after 3
Up 13-10 at half vs. Wisconsin - Brew works his magic - decimated by Wisconsin and John Clay (thank God for that fumble or it would've been a rout)
Last year up 14 at half at Wisconsin - Brew works his magic - outscored 28-11

Michigan State Is Out-Coached, Out-Played and Upset 29-27 by Central Michigan
Copyright © 2009 Ed Bagley
Michigan State blew its chance to run the table this year by letting poor coaching and poor playing open the door for Central Michigan to upset the Spartans 29-27 on their home turf.

Pete Carroll to blame for USC's loss

This one's on Pete.

For several long minutes after USC's 16-13 loss to Washington on Saturday, Trojans Coach Pete Carroll stood at the edge of the Husky Stadium tunnel, staring ashen-faced back into the swarming mob as if peering into the smoking wreckage of a car he totaled.

Which he did. A luxury car. Smashed it to bits.

The Trojans lost to a 21-point underdog after leading by 10 points after two possessions. The Trojans lost to a team with a rookie head coach that had just finished losing 15 straight games. The Trojans lost their focus, their common sense and their cool in a game that seemed to strip Carroll of even his suntan.

Like the man said, blame it on Pete. It has been written here for several years that Carroll is the best coach in college football, but for several hours Saturday he was inexplicably out-coached by a former pupil, Steve Sarkisian, while allowing his team to be outplayed by a former national joke.

Urban Meyer: Outcoached and Outclassed
Tim Pollock
Featured Columnist

Written on September 28, 2008
After Saturday’s gut-wrenching home loss to Ole Miss, University of Flordia Head Coach Urban Meyer had this to say:

"We didn't play Florida football.”

Just what is Florida football anyway, Coach?

Did anyone watch Kentucky coach Rich Brooks turn into a bumbling fool last night?

To top it off: "Michigan State head coach Mark Dantonio said the Spartans were "outcoached" and that the Gophers schematically defeated the Spartans."


And so on and so on.

Coaching is a tough job, and you only learn by making mistakes and repairing those mistakes.

We'll know a lot more by 9:00PM Thursday...

Iowa Game

burned two time outs on the same play - 4th and 1 - took a time out because we could not get the right personnel on the field - then took another time out because we had the wrong play in. After that we got stuffed on the play and turned the ball over. Later in the game (with the tilt stillin the balance) we had the ball first and goal on the 1 yard line and rand three plays out of the shot gun - two fades to the corner of the end zone and got sacked on the third play - all from the one yard line

did the same thing in the Illinois game - first and goal on the 1 and we run a pass play from the shot gun - got sacked and turned it over on downs - lost the game by 3 points.

burned two time outs on the same play - 4th and 1 - took a time out because we could not get the right personnel on the field - then took another time out because we had the wrong play in. After that we got stuffed on the play and turned the ball over. Later in the game (with the tilt stillin the balance) we had the ball first and goal on the 1 yard line and rand three plays out of the shot gun - two fades to the corner of the end zone and got sacked on the third play - all from the one yard line

did the same thing in the Illinois game - first and goal on the 1 and we run a pass play from the shot gun - got sacked and turned it over on downs - lost the game by 3 points.

That's why I like the idea of the Jumbo package. Can't remember who said it first here, but it's a great idea!

It's a classic grass is always greener. It seems when I watch other games there are plenty of head scratchers to go around.

He's fine. The faults this year are all offensive execution and scheme. That's on Fisch. We'll have to see how we improve next year. That will have more to do with Brew.

burned two time outs on the same play - 4th and 1 - took a time out because we could not get the right personnel on the field - then took another time out because we had the wrong play in. After that we got stuffed on the play and turned the ball over. Later in the game (with the tilt stillin the balance) we had the ball first and goal on the 1 yard line and rand three plays out of the shot gun - two fades to the corner of the end zone and got sacked on the third play - all from the one yard line

did the same thing in the Illinois game - first and goal on the 1 and we run a pass play from the shot gun - got sacked and turned it over on downs - lost the game by 3 points.

Yes I agree there should be questions asked by the fans about the two timeouts being used. Good point. However, let me see if I got the second part right?

First you talk about how the U got stuffed on a run play on the goal line and turned the ball over. Then you talk about how the U tried and throw the ball the next time they were goal line. Do I have the plays right? If so I guess I don't get what your point is.

The U tried to run the ball the first time and got stuffed by the Hawkeyes (Props to the Hawkeyes they have solid D-Linemen and LB's). The U coaches saw that Iowa's line held them so the U coaches tried to do something new and threw the ball.

Now I don't coach football but I guess I can't fault them all that much for trying to throw the football in the second time. (Note: I'm also glad that they ran out of shotgun instead of trying to do a play action pass as that didn't work well in the Illinois game so at least it appears the coaches learned from previous plays.)

And yes it sucks getting stuffed on the goal line so I can see how you're upset and I hope and have faith in coach Davis to develop the O-Line so the U can simply out power the other team so they can simply run it in.

Bad example

Enough with the halftime adjustments - for every good one, there's a brutal one

Down 7-0 at half at Ohio State - Brew works his magic - 38-7 Ohio State.
Up 21-10 at half vs. Michigan State - Brew works his magic - 31-28 MSU after 3
Up 13-10 at half vs. Wisconsin - Brew works his magic - decimated by Wisconsin and John Clay (thank God for that fumble or it would've been a rout)
Last year up 14 at half at Wisconsin - Brew works his magic - outscored 28-11

The fact that you used the Michigan state game and Ohio state games to make your point lets us know that you don't know what in the Hades you are talking about...
please take the time to be an informed fan not just some schmuck sneaking on your computer when the boss is not looking

Michigan state we won the game halftime adjustmenst were reflected on the score board.
At Ohio state we had 3 turn overs in a span of three minutes inside our own 20
That has nothing to do with lack of half time adjustments.

And to throw a bonus in John clay ran on everybody
presto abracadabra and opensessime take your magic and make your idiotic thought process disappear

Enough with the halftime adjustments - for every good one, there's a brutal one

Down 7-0 at half at Ohio State - Brew works his magic - 38-7 Ohio State.
Up 21-10 at half vs. Michigan State - Brew works his magic - 31-28 MSU after 3
Up 13-10 at half vs. Wisconsin - Brew works his magic - decimated by Wisconsin and John Clay (thank God for that fumble or it would've been a rout)
Last year up 14 at half at Wisconsin - Brew works his magic - outscored 28-11

I have no problems whatsoever with Brewsters gameday coaching. None. In fact, I think it's pretty good, and should be the least of our worries. I was really pleased overall with our halftime adjustments this year. IMO, the Ohio State and Wisconsin tailoffs can be attributed to our defense just being worn down. Throw the Penn State in the same category.

I'm not smart enough to know whether the Gophers' problems are a result of bad game-day coaching, bad preparation during the week of players who aren't good enough. I do know this: You don't hire a guy who had never risen above the title of Tight Ends Coach and expect him to channel Vince Lombardi immediately. Or even after three years.

Brewster was hired to recruit and sell the program, and hopefully grow into the job of head coach. I have read many posts over the past few months saying that he has improved as a coach. That's a more relevant question, and I don't know the answer to that, either.

burned two time outs on the same play - 4th and 1 - took a time out because we could not get the right personnel on the field - then took another time out because we had the wrong play in. After that we got stuffed on the play and turned the ball over. Later in the game (with the tilt stillin the balance) we had the ball first and goal on the 1 yard line and rand three plays out of the shot gun - two fades to the corner of the end zone and got sacked on the third play - all from the one yard line

did the same thing in the Illinois game - first and goal on the 1 and we run a pass play from the shot gun - got sacked and turned it over on downs - lost the game by 3 points.

There was another time this season (can't recall which game, maybe it was the Illinois situation) where we called a time out and then STILL managed to take a delay of game penalty. There's also the obligatory 'perplexed Weber looks to sidelines shakes head and shrugs shoulders' move that happens a minimum of once per half.

These things can't be pinned solely on Brewster, but give an overall impression that the staff isn't ready and that the team is in a general state of disarray. Which, I guess, is the HC's responsibility. From the stands it reads kind of like, "whoa! I never thought we'd actually get down to the goal line. I guess that deep pass play we were gonna run next won't really work. Now what do we do? Quick! Grab the play book!"

I think we just need to play another game already.

Som people are getting way too overboard with over ananlyzing things.

Brewster has awoken Gopher fans ten-fold. He is good for our program. Give him time and good things will follow.

Enough with the halftime adjustments - for every good one, there's a brutal one

Down 7-0 at half at Ohio State - Brew works his magic - 38-7 Ohio State.
Up 21-10 at half vs. Michigan State - Brew works his magic - 31-28 MSU after 3
Up 13-10 at half vs. Wisconsin - Brew works his magic - decimated by Wisconsin and John Clay (thank God for that fumble or it would've been a rout)
Last year up 14 at half at Wisconsin - Brew works his magic - outscored 28-11

December 28 and I work my magic. Geez I don't have any, you're still here spouting nonsense. Not for you, because it's a lost cause, but for everyone else: Let's leave the MSU penalties alone or get down to the business of analyzing how many we SHOULD have had vs how many the green SHOULD have had. I can't blame coaches when the officiating crew thinks there is only one team playing the game and that that team has no reason to lay a finger upon someone wearing a different colored uniform.

If awakens the fans ten fold again we can hold

I think we just need to play another game already.

Som people are getting way too overboard with over ananlyzing things.

Brewster has awoken Gopher fans ten-fold. He is good for our program. Give him time and good things will follow.

next years games at Hamline and let the Vikings have TCF.

"Brewster has awoken Gopher fans ten-fold. He is good for our program. Give him time and good things will follow"

What a preposterous statement. There is nothing but apathy and ridicule for the program right now. There were many more fans at Sun Devil Stadium in 2006 than last year. There will be even less this year. Even lowly Iowa State has fans laughing at MN.

Check this poll from today out; awakened and POed at Brewster Vote &oid=2&mr=1&cid=8500397&pid=80204007

I'd be ready to make a huge offer to Mike Leach within an hour of his departure from Texas Tech.

next years games at Hamline and let the Vikings have TCF.

"Brewster has awoken Gopher fans ten-fold. He is good for our program. Give him time and good things will follow"

What a preposterous statement. There is nothing but apathy and ridicule for the program right now. There were many more fans at Sun Devil Stadium in 2006 than last year. There will be even less this year. Even lowly Iowa State has fans laughing at MN.

Check this poll from today out; awakened and POed at Brewster Vote &oid=2&mr=1&cid=8500397&pid=80204007

I'd be ready to make a huge offer to Mike Leach within an hour of his departure from Texas Tech.

There's nothing but apathy and ridicule for the program if you go by the Star Tribune. People who still actually read that BS are obviously on the side of getting rid of Brew, and are negative about all things Gopher sports, and will be until we win a nat. championship. Even then, we may not win by enough points in our games to satisfy them. If they weren't that way, they wouldn't read the garbage the Star prints. I also notice that only 4000 of the millions of people in the metro voted... 4000 of the most negative fans in MN? Doesn't seem like a good source for evaluation to me.

Also, if you want Leach to come here, you best be ready to give him more of a chance than you're giving Brew. You apparently wouldn't, so you would be more disappointed than you are now. It does take time to develop a program, Leach would need some too. It took him 6 years at Tech to break the bonds of mediocre bowl games. Unless my math is off that's three more years than Brew has had thus far. Maybe you should just give it a little more time

Correct me if I'm wrong, but weren't the Gophers losing in every game they won this past season? Brewster is fine at half-time decisions if that is what you consider "game day coaching". However, coaching goe far beyond that. Discipline is my biggest problem with Brewster and attention to detail. Burned time-outs, stupid penalties, playing defense with 10 players is part of coaching and he needs to improve this aspect.

There are no stone written criteria to judge a good coach by.

I still am trumpeting the same horn. Get consistency in the coordinator position and you'll start to see more consistency on the field.

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