why was the offensive line such a problem last year. What makes him believe that the returning o-linemen will be better this season.
Have a pool to vote on how often you can get him to say tremendous. Have a bell chime when he does (inaudible to him of course). This would make me tune in.
Who is Brews choice to be the 14th member of the Big Ten?
Here are a few questions I would like to hear him answer...
1. Is there anything he would have changed looking back on his first 3 years on the job?
2. Is there anything he would have changed with choosing his first offensive and defensive coordinators looking back on them now? Would he have still gone with the spread and the blitz heavy defense?
3. Would he have dealt with certain media personalities differently knowing the reaction he has recieved from a number of them?
4. If he could have 1-3 wishes in terms of facilities for the University of Minnesota football program what would they be? Does he want a new practice facility? And yes that is a serious question because Bierman is becoming a pit.
5. Who is Brews choice to be the 14th member of the Big Ten?
And yes that is a serious question because Bierman is becoming a pit.
Be honest with him and tell him what you think of him and the program he is running. That would be priceless and great radio.
I may not agree with many of his tactics, but I do respect him ... It was my idea to have him on, and he agreed to do it ... he is taking the time, so it would be very disrespectful of me to start going at him ... I love the DTs, love Wilhite, am very curious about the O-line and running game, so it won't be us singing Kumbaya together, but I won't get combative.
I don't think it would be disrespectful at all to say something like:
"Coach Brewster, anyone who follows the program knows that you have had your critics, myself included. What would be your response to us who, at face value see a guy who was hired to recharge a stagnant 6-6 football program and, 3 years in, are still looking at a 6-6 football program?"
If I were him, I'd want the chance to respond to my critics, point blank.