Brewster is a Tool, but Should Get 4 Years


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Nov 23, 2008
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I'm no fan of the coach's personality, but there shouldn't be any talk about canning him until about this time next year. I don't care for his shameless propaganda and Wacker-Like promotions, but the truth of the matter is... it's been a long time since we've had the athletes on the field that he's assembled in our frosh/soph classes. The junior class/transition year was basically a lost recruiting season that wasn't Brewster's fault. Next year's frosh class might even be his best.

As far as his coaching staffs are concerned, they've been solid and given him credibility. At the time of his hire, Dunbar was a gutsy call. Didn't work out, but at the time it was a good choice. His only mistake was firing Gordie Shaw. I know he burned bridges on his way out of town, but Willis isn't the starting right tackle if Shaw is still on the staff.

I think we need to be patient. I like the staff and his recruiting classes will become upper-classmen next year. If a change is in order, the job will be attractive not just because of TCF, but also because of the talent that will still be on the roster.

I'm not any more mad at Brewster then any other fan would be at their Coach after a loss, nobody is perfect. People were calling for JoePa's head for years and now they have been silenced. We're a couple adjustments away from being a very lethal team and I'd rather have Brewster who is excited for Gopher Football here then the next man who will use the Program on their Resume when applying for a better job.......

I'm no fan of the coach's personality, but there shouldn't be any talk about canning him until about this time next year. I don't care for his shameless propaganda and Wacker-Like promotions, but the truth of the matter is... it's been a long time since we've had the athletes on the field that he's assembled in our frosh/soph classes. The junior class/transition year was basically a lost recruiting season that wasn't Brewster's fault. Next year's frosh class might even be his best.

As far as his coaching staffs are concerned, they've been solid and given him credibility. At the time of his hire, Dunbar was a gutsy call. Didn't work out, but at the time it was a good choice. His only mistake was firing Gordie Shaw. I know he burned bridges on his way out of town, but Willis isn't the starting right tackle if Shaw is still on the staff.

I think we need to be patient. I like the staff and his recruiting classes will become upper-classmen next year. If a change is in order, the job will be attractive not just because of TCF, but also because of the talent that will still be on the roster.

Just wait until Bronko Nagurski Gopher sees this one...;)

While I think it's premature to talk about replacing Brewster, I also think he better quickly understand that if he can't win the border trophy games, he might as well pack up and move on. I don't care how good the Gophers get, they have to beat Wiscy and Iowa.

I don't care for his shameless propaganda and Wacker-Like promotions,

i think you are stuck in 2007. he has toned down the "shameless propaganda" and "Wacker-Like promotions" (whatever that means). Can you give me an example of these two things after the 2007 season?

i think you are stuck in 2007. he has toned down the "shameless propaganda" and "Wacker-Like promotions" (whatever that means). Can you give me an example of these two things after the 2007 season?

Propping up Royston the week before last year's Wisconsin game.

i think you are stuck in 2007. he has toned down the "shameless propaganda" and "Wacker-Like promotions" (whatever that means). Can you give me an example of these two things after the 2007 season?

"Pound The Rock" comes to mind.......

Good post akgopher. It's soooo frustrating to exhibit patience, but I think it's best we try. The overall talent across the skill positions is exhibited in the special teams, which are playing at a very high level. A lot of these special teams players will be transitioning into larger roles on offense and defense in the next 2 years, and I think we'll really see something. I hope we can keep Fisch around, as you can see him learning and growing in his role. Is that frustrating and would it be nice to not have a key coordinator learning on the job? Yes and yes. At any rate, I'm preaching some more patience.

"Patience"? Really tho, he's been here 2 1/3 seasons and the team has gotten better as time has gone on. That's not even patience, that's just general giving a dude a chance to incorporate his own stuff first before we throw him out. Patience to me would be more like 3 or 4 years. Just because Gopher football failed for 30 years prior to Brewster getting here and fans are getting antsy, shouldn't mean he shouldn't get his opportunity to try to get this program where it can and should be. He's trying to do something that hasn't been done since 1967 and in a little over two seasons, people are already ready to fire him. That is an absolute joke. Everyone except Minnesota fans seem to see the improvement in the program, and if they actually did remove him after this season, we'd look like a joke of a program. And if you did that, good luck finding a quality coach to come in after him, cause I'm pretty sure coaches like to have a little more leeway and security than that. This isn't the NFL, you can't just move coaches around like poker chips. That's not at all how you develop a program.

Is Brewster the best coach in the Nation? No. Big 10? No.

But he is building something here and bringing in more talent than we have seen in my lifetime. I firmly believe that he will remarkably become a better coach when he gets his guys in key spots.

I will proudly wave the 'patience' flag at this point. If we're still mired here in 2-3 years, then I will reconsider my position.

I agree that Brewster needs more time. I originally felt that he would need at least three or four years before a sound judgment could be made on the program's situation under his coaching.

This is year three and next would be year four, so I'll wait until then to make a judgment one way or the other. But I will say this: I definitely had a few moments of rolling my eyes during Brewster's press conference when he praised his team for their heart and talking about how proud he was that they had a chance.

What is there to be proud of? That you almost won a football game? That you didn't get beat by more? This was a rivalry game. Teams are supposed to give themselves a chance to win. That's what they're out there for.

The bottom line regarding today is that the team that went out and got their rear-ends handed to them in the second half, both coaches and players. Call me crazy, but after that second half performance, the last thing I want to hear is how proud he is of the team. Honestly, there should little to nothing be proud of about this game in any sense.

My Take

The Good: Decker, fumble return, Nate triplett, Stoudermire

The Bad: Penalties, Not scoring touchdowns at the end the half and start the half which was the true momentum changers, run defense, the crowd, inconsistent offensive play led by the QB, the offensive line, no identity on offense, running is mediocre at best

The Ugly: WE are not that good and I am getting sick of getting my hopes up and losing to our rivals. Wisconsin is not that good but they are better than us. They ran the ball down our throats. Brewster does not impress me...way to many mistakes, lack of discipline with players and poor play calling. we have a lot of seniors and we are mediocre at best.


Brewster will get another year unless we just flop the rest of the year. If I was Maturi I would let next year play out before signing any extension. Brewster needs to prove himself before getting any extensions.

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