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:clap: Just woke up my wife laughing. No, she didn't get up laughing, I was laughing and . . . oh forget it.

Ha ha ha that is classic!!! Can't stop laughing....LOL

the 22 second mark is just too good to be funny.

This video was used earlier when Farve signed with the Queens. That too was very comical.

Egads, not again! Still funny, but this clip has been used by every home team since the movie came out. First time I saw it was when somebody eliminated the Cowboys from the playoffs a few years back. Doesn't mean the whole thing doesn't still gets a chuckle out of me.

Downfall is a great movie by the way. I highly recommend it to avid movie-goer, history buff or not.

Thanks for reminding

Us - me especially that a sense of humor is out there somewhere.

Okay so it is right here. LOL!:pig::clap::pig::cry:of joy and laughter.

That was pretty good. Haven't seen the Hitler remakes yet. Thank you whoever for putting that together!

The world will little note nor long remember

It's another Golden Gopher........First Down was brought to the mic in the dome by none other than DAVE LEE! :mad: He got the gig as pa guy while Ray was in the booth.

OMG this was so frickin funny!!! Give the spot to Reusse!!!

Someone told me der Fuhrer is a fan of der Failure.

This video was used earlier when Farve signed with the Queens. That too was very comical.

One of my favorite YouTube vids of all time. Man, that one was classic.

Hitler: "I can't wait to watch Jackson scramble. His future is bright now that he's learning the offense." :clap:

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