Brady Hoke Next Coach at Michigan?

Hoke would seem to be the natural fit there, and if he does get the gig, I bet he's damn happy to have not taken Maturi's offer (assuming Maturi ever officially offered him).

Hoke will do a great job there if they call on him. But he won't be the killer that Harbaugh would have been. Watching Harbaugh last night gave me chills, thinking we might have to play against him every year. Hoke, even with all that talent, will not be a Bierman type winner - I hope.

I don't think the frustrated fan base would be happy with Brady Hoke. Les Miles might just qualify as satisfactory, better than Rodriguez. Don't think that AD is sleeping at night. Little different situation than Maturi has here.

IMO, Hoke needs more seasoning for the Michigan fan base.

4four4 nailed it.

Hoke is a great coach. He would bring great assistants and be solid recruiting.

The big problem is, all of MICHIGAN thought we were getting Harbaugh. When you believe you are going to get the biggest name in coaching (NFL or college)...the SDSU coach is a let down regardless of his merit.

I would hope that if they get Hoke they give him the works for asst's.

Miles as the other poster put it would be satisfactory.

Gruden/Patterson/Cowher only guys I can see generating a really positive spin other than Harbaugh.

I think all of these guys could be succesful, but with Miami hiring Golden and Michigan looking at Hoke, I think it's apparent that MN probably did a pretty nice job in getting their guy. I don't really think it's important to get into a debate about who is better between Hoke/Golden/Kill because I think we would all agree that they are relatively similar coaches and I think it would be hard to argue that the U/the fake U/Michigan are similar type of coaching destinations.

I'll bet that Hoke has a Michigan clause in his contract similar to the one had while here (Notre Dame).

I think all of these guys could be succesful, but with Miami hiring Golden and Michigan looking at Hoke, I think it's apparent that MN probably did a pretty nice job in getting their guy. I don't really think it's important to get into a debate about who is better between Hoke/Golden/Kill because I think we would all agree that they are relatively similar coaches and I think it would be hard to argue that the U/the fake U/Michigan are similar type of coaching destinations.

It just shows how times have changed. 2-3 down years of a school and they don't attract like they used to. Michigan, Miami, and Notre Dame are seeing this. I don't see anyone outside of Harbaugh getting Michigan back to where they once were quickly. Anyone else will have do do like we hope Kill does here. Do 18 year olds know who Bo Schembechler or Woody Hayes are? In OSU's case they know the football team is always good no matter the coach.

It just shows how times have changed. 2-3 down years of a school and they don't attract like they used to. Michigan, Miami, and Notre Dame are seeing this. I don't see anyone outside of Harbaugh getting Michigan back to where they once were quickly. Anyone else will have do do like we hope Kill does here. Do 18 year olds know who Bo Schembechler or Woody Hayes are? In OSU's case they know the football team is always good no matter the coach.

I think Michigan is facing a larger macro issues based on the problems with the state. Their weak economy has to effect boosters, financial health of the university, and in state recruit popluation. People haven't forgotten about Michigan football. 4 years ago (IIRC) they were playing for a shot at a national title. Sure both OSU and Michigan then got wacked by the SEC, but there was some talk that the national title game should have been a rematch of their regular season game.

I think Michigan is facing a larger macro issues based on the problems with the state. Their weak economy has to effect boosters, financial health of the university, and in state recruit popluation. People haven't forgotten about Michigan football. 4 years ago (IIRC) they were playing for a shot at a national title. Sure both OSU and Michigan then got wacked by the SEC, but there was some talk that the national title game should have been a rematch of their regular season game.

This falls on the AD for a bad hire and allowing Rodriguez to pull a Tim Brewster by killing any past momentum.

This falls on the AD for a bad hire and allowing Rodriguez to pull a Tim Brewster by killing any past momentum.

Depends, I think with the exception of Ryan Mallett the general view of that team was that the team was low on talent and would be in rebuilding mode. I think the real failure is not giving RichRod time to rebuild and put his systems in place with his recruits as upperclassmen (Redshirt Juniors and Seniors) as well as hiring a coach who wasn't acceptable to boosters and fans.

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