Bowl Questionnaire

Go Gophers Rah

Section 238 Row 21
Nov 13, 2008
Reaction score
I am just curious about attendence at this year's Insight Bowl. So I have two questions:

1. What is the likelihood that you will attend this year's Insight Bowl? (and why?)

2. Have you been a bowl attendee in the past?

For me, the answers would look like this:

1) Doubtful, for a number of reasons - primarily money. But then again, money isn't any more/less of an issue than in years past when I did attend bowls. Really, the last 4 games don't give me a great deal of confidence that we can be very competetive and I'd hate to spend all of that money to witness a disapointing performance.

2) I've attended our last 3 bowls. 1 victory and 2 losses - I can tell you, they were all just as fun before the game but the victory was a lot more fun after. FWIW, Pheonix was a great bowl location.

I hope that a lot of you are going. Maybe I'll change my mind in the next few days.

Go Gophers!

1. Zero. I have a business to run. New Years holiday is a time to make some money rather than spend it.
2. no

Working on it...

1. I'm trying to work it out. I'd love to go, but it will depend on the cost. I'm trying to work it into other possible travel plans for the holidays...

2. I've never attended a Gophers bowl game.

1. No, money is the only reason. If I had an endless supply of money I would go to all bowl games involving the Gophs. I likely will only attend if they go to a BCS bowl game, unless I win the lottery.

2. No.

1. No chance. Family health issues this year and money issues

2. Yes. We went to El Paso for the Gophers victory over Oregon. Great time! Loved every minute of it and hope to be able to go to another Gopher Bowl next year...

1. Definitely. Trying to find airfare cheaper than $400, otherwise I'll lock that in and be set to go.

2. Yes. Been to each of the last four bowl games, and have vowed to ALWAYS go to the bowl games, regardless of location or opponent. Bowls are a different feeling than traveling to a road regular season game. No more Gopher football on the horizon, so you can savor the moment without thinking about the next week, and at the same time you treat it as a reward for a good season.

Hope you make it GGR, we'll be back at the Library the night before the game, hopefully outnumbering Kansas fans as badly as we did Texas Tech fans two years ago....

1. I'm trying to conjure up a friend that would be willing to join me. I have a friend living in Phoenix so it is a real possibility. However, I'm unemployed and after a European/Oktoberfest trip this fall I'm trying to minimize my cash outflow. It may depend on my ability to get a flight using my frequent flier miles.

2. I went to the 1999 Sun Bowl (the loss to Oregon) and I went to the 2002 Music City Bowl (win vs. Arkansas) and oddly I went to the Emerald Bowl for work last year--2nd best work trip ever (Costa Rica = #1). Arizona is the only state west of the Mississippi that I have never set foot in so I have encouragement to attend.

Bowl Game

1. My wife and I will be there.

2. Been to most of the past Bowl games. Wonderful time, win or lose.

1. I'll be there with the band (if we all get to go, that is)
2. Yes I went to 2006 Insight Bowl. It was great fun sans the actual game. Hopefully the game is better this time around.

1. No. Money constraints keep me from going, I am finishing grad school this week and don't start my job until mid-January.
2. Yes, I have been to the last four bowl games (Sun, Music City x2, Insight) with the band

1. I will always be at the bowl game.
2. I've been to the last 5 bowl games.

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